Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Wednesday January 24, 2024; 9:01 PM EST
  • Chronicling the decline of an energy industry.#
    • There‘s Something Happening Here, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • So much Democrat-sponsored BS.#
    • .#Trump Haters are so gullible when they swallow #Dem talking points that claim Trump will do what #Obama/#Biden have already done. — Don‘t Cry for Me Argentina, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • It’s complicated.#
    • In case you want to Remember the Future. ��� Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) [Link]#
  • Strong argument against Biden.#
    • Following #SCOTUS’ temporary allowing #Feds to take down the protective wall, Texas invokes #Constitution explicit language to challenge #Democrats’ @JoeBiden to protect #Texas from invasion. [Link]#
  • Hah!#
    • Illogical, unrealistic, foolish, subversive, #academic. — ‘People of color’ can’t be racist against whites, UW-Madison teaches law students via @collegefix [Link]#
  • Unseemly politics.#
    • BOMBSHELL! Audio Suggests That ‘Powerful People‘ Tried to Bribe Kari Lake to ‘Go Away‘ [Link]#
  • Not what primaries should do.#
    • .#Democrats pushing #globalist #NikkiHaley — Yikes: Steve Kornacki Explains Just How Many ‘Republicans‘ Voted in NH Republican Primary [Link]#
  • Why would anyone trust them?#
    • The #Obama / #Biden campaign is #gaslighting you that #SCOTUS was against legal #abortion when it followed the #Constitution to decide it should be a states’ rights issue, and states could re-institute Roe if they wanted. Don’t re-elect #Democratic leaders who disrespect you. [Link]#
  • Democrats have changed whatthey focus on. Interesting.#
    • He showed that the #Democratic #obama/#Biden leaders didn’t care. — #Trump���s track to victory began when train derailed via @dcexaminer [Link]#
  • Steyn certainly can be descriptive.#
    • Mark Steyn defends himself against Michael Mann in the current rendition of the #Scopes Trial. [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday April 16, 2024; 9:05 PM EDT.