Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • Perhaps the TSA isn’t the right answer.#
    • Administrative overreach. — #TSA Agents Confiscate Dana Loesch‘s Assault Microphone Stand [Link]#
  • The FBI appears in all the wrong places. Coincidence?#
    • THE TIMELINE: How the @FBI Thwarted the Investigation into the Hacked Georgia #Election Machines and Targeted the Whistleblowers Instead #gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit [Link]#
  • A Barak Obama fourth term? Please, no!#
    • Please. No more top-down rulers. Let’s get back to governance with constitutional checks and balances. — Report: Michelle #Obama‘s Secret Plan to Replace @JoeBiden for President Emerges #gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit [Link]#
  • Politically and geographically simple.#
    • How should #election districts be shaped. Following political and geographic boundaries, or by party distribution? — The Left’s Biggest Redistricting Crutch Examined via @wilawliberty [Link]#
  • She didn’t because her actions show she believes in a different kind of America.#
    • .@govhochul could have asked @JoeBiden to restrict illegal immigration but did not. Why? [Link]#
  • Always fun.#
    • In his retired editor folksy way @DonSurber​ leads readers to what should have been obvious but that many in corporate #media fail to see. — Look who protects free speech. [Link]#
  • Wait for the final ruling. What Biden is pushing is not what his lawyers are posturing.#
    • Contrary to misleading reports on #SCOTUS . — Supreme Court Allows Feds to Cut Razor Wire on Texas Border While Lawsuit Continues Through the Courts [Link]#
    • Important, but the #SCOTUS #BorderInvasion case has not been actually heard, only stayed by precedent until Feb 7th hearing. Based on experience don’t expect the #MSM to report the stay only temporarily allows fence removal for access. Feds would go too far to take it all down. [Link]#
    • Many news reports do not explain the #SCOTUS decision applies until the Appeals Court hears the ase beginning Feb. 7th. — Court allows Border Patrol to cut Texas’ razor wire along Rio Grande [Link]#
  • Not easy to trust them.#
    • The devil is in the details. Afghans needing legitimate #asylum vs. anyone on the southern border. — Three Former Presidents Start NGO to Import Illegal Aliens into the U.S. [Link]#
  • A real expert is someone who can explain things so simply even we can understand.#
    • Like other experience, expertise needs to be questioned. — The ‘#Expert‘ Delusion in Education [Link]#
  • Not a good answer.#
    • No data reported about the pollution caused by the fires. — #Electric bikes start record number of fires in New York via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Sensationalism.#
    • @NBCNews .@NBCNews. If this is an #AI generated image, then it is an illustration — label it as such or lose any remaining shred of reputation as a #news organization! #journalism [Link]#
  • Again. Too much ambiguity.#
    • @disclosetv .@lindayaX , no trust here. Most groups claiming to act against hate speech get to define #hate as whatever they dislike. Like the famous quote, the more you spoke of honor, the faster we counted our spoons. @elonmusk , help! [Link]#
  • Not even a good fishwrap.#
    • Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you don’t have to know anything to have one. — @BusinessInsider : Very Dangerous to ‘Indoctrinate’ Young Americans That They Can Lawfully Possess a Firearm via @The Truth About Guns [Link]#
  • Too many loose ends and inconsistancies. No trust left for the @FBI.#
    • RT @NoVA_Campaigns: Trans Antifa’s Leslie Grimes was arrested in DC the morning of Jan 6 for felony carrying an illegal handgun in DC... ... He w�� [Link]#
  • A Biden-like response to #SCOTUS.#
    • RT @TPostMillennial: More razor wire being installed in Eagle Pass to stop illegal immigration... ... [Link]#
    • RT @GregAbbott_TX: The Texas National Guard continues to hold the line in Eagle Pass.... ... Texas will not back down from our efforts to secure… [Link]#
  • On point, as usual.#
    • RT @VDHanson: Who Will Police the Police?... ... Part of America’s dilemma is that those authorities charged with solving problems are themselves… [Link]#
  • Big, and about time. Trudeau thought himself a lawless ruler.#
    • RT @rpoconnor: BREAKING: Federal Court of Canada declares that the federal government‘s invocation of the Emergencies Act was ultra vires (… [Link]#
    • RT @drawandstrike: This means if Trudeau tries this again, to invoke the Emergencies Act to quell peaceful protests by Canadians, he‘s gonn… [Link]#
  • But what price will be paid.#
    • RT @EliseStefanik: My full statement on the sham January 6th Committee’s illegal obstruction of justice:... ... “As I said from day one, Nancy Pe… [Link]#
  • .@JoeBiden treating Congress and the Constitution with disdain.#
    • RT @StephenM: This can’t be reiterated enough. The only “reforms” Biden has sent to Congress are to a.) make illegals into voting citizens… [Link]#
    • RT @johnrich: Article IV, section 4:... ... "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and… [Link]#
    • RT @BillMelugin_: NEW: An illegal immigrant convicted of murder in Colombia has been arrested by ICE in Newark, NJ. ICE says the murderer… [Link]#
  • Time for Harvard’s board to resign.#
    • RT @realchrisrufo: Harvard now admitting that its whole defense of Claudine Gay was bogus. Whoops! [Link]#
  • Barak, beyond his Sell-by date.#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: Barack Obama holding for you on Line 1. [Link]#
  • Hillary, beyond her Sell-by date.#
    • RT @stclairashley: You and your husband have received $153 million in “speaking fees” to talk to elites and Big Banks [Link]#
    • RT @themarketswork: The entire point of the Clinton Global Initiative is selling access to power [Link]#
  • One can hope.#
    • RT @kausmickey: If Johnson holds out long enough, he just might get something big and effective -- like a reinstatement of Remain in Mexico… [Link]#
  • Mostly, overpriced and overvalued.#
    • RT @Mark_J_Perry: JUST OUT: New "Chart of the Century" with data through December 2023. Increases in College Tuition and Fees continue to f… [Link]#
  • Election interference ... without consequence.#
    • RT @pepesgrandma: 🚨Breaking! CISA, and its media allies, interfered with and undermined the integrity of the 2020 Presidential election!... ... C… [Link]#
    • RT @America1stLegal: @MikeBenzCyber /22 The evidence is that:... 🚨CISA knew that in-person voting did not increase the spread of COVID.... 🚨CISA… [Link]#
    • RT @StephenM: BREAKING: We sued DHS’ censorship arm, CISA, and unearthed shocking new documents showing that the Deep State knew the risks… [Link]#
    • RT @elonmusk: Very concerning [Link]#
  • As well he should.#
    • RT @greg_price11: Adam Schiff gets called out during the CA Senate debate by Republican Steve Garvey for lying about Russian collusion:... ... Ga… [Link]#
  • One can hope the final decision is strong.#
    • RT @tracybeanz: On the SCOTUS, it’s my understanding that this case is still ongoing, and they were presented with one facet of it while it… [Link]#
  • Double standards.#
    • RT @America1stLegal: /1🚨BREAKING — America First Legal FOIA request reveals partisan preservation of government records. ... ... National Archive… [Link]#
    • RT @SharylAttkisson: I see a parallel to the case of police or prosecutors not enforcing criminal statutes, and then prosecuting citizens w… [Link]#
  • Bless your heart, Nikki. (Heh!)#
    • RT @pnjaban: Bless your heart… you ARE the DC establishment …. [Link]#
  • Democrats’ Theater.#
    • RT @BillMelugin_: The President had a highly controlled visit to El Paso after the streets had been cleared out of migrants, he went to a m… [Link]#
  • Fani Willis is in trouble.#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: I suggest you acquaint yourself with 18 USC Sec. 666. ... ... Then revisit your analysis. ... ... Now prosecuting the case is a… [Link]#
  • The judge’s applied the law to the stay, but a stay is different than the final issue.#
    • RT @drawandstrike: Key thing you should take away here is: ... ... Ken Paxton says this a TEMPORARY ORDER being issued by the court - and the vot… [Link]#
    • RT @drawandstrike: Here‘s where an understanding of how court rulings work would help people separate the wheat from the chaff. ... ... The Supre… [Link]#
    • RT @pnjaban: This ruling highlights how much is at stake in the coming election. We are at a real turning point in the history of this nation… [Link]#
  • Journalists?#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: I see some journalists/reporters on *this* side attempting to take credit/failing to give credit to @DarrenJBeattie and @… [Link]#
  • No surprise. Lack of competition makes one slack.#
    • RT @realchrisrufo: The AP tried to run the "conservatives pounce" playbook, but now admits that Claudine Gay was a serial plagiarist. Conse… [Link]#
  • Math.#
    • RT @RealJamesWoods: For those of you unfamiliar with simple math: if you don‘t prosecute criminals, of course "crime is down." ... ... Crime is r… [Link]#
  • Ouch!#
    • RT @TheBabylonBee: Supreme Court Rules It��s Illegal For National Guard To Guard Nation [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday May 14, 2024; 5:04 PM EDT.