Monday November 13, 2023; 5:07 PM EST
- Remember, journalism is only journalism until it isn’t.#
- The #MSM distinguishes between scum and vermin ... and fails yet again. — JOURNALISTS ARE HYPOCRITICAL SACKS OF CRAP? “It’s somehow delightful when Nikki Haley called Vivek [Link]#
- Where it belongs. Keep bogus social engineering out of restrooms.#
- The students have more sense than the legislators. — What Oregon High School Boys Do to Tampon Dispenser in Their School Bathroom Reaches Legendary Status [Link]#
- All theater all the time.#
- It’s as if #Newsom believes that ordinarily San Francisco citizens can eat sh*t. Not a defensible political position, but most #CorporateMedia don’t press Newsom to defend the beliefs he would push on us. [Link]#
- A record of dissembling shows he doesn’t respect Americans.#
- Treat @BarackObama like Dorothy Parker’s hyperbole of Lillian Hellman, “Every word [he] writes is a lie, including "and" and "the".” — Big Mouth Barack – Issues & Insights [Link]#
- No surprise.#
- Editor’s Pick: @FreeBeacon on #Soros-Funded Group Backing Pro-#Hamas Protest in WA State [Link]#
- Looking for answers.#
- More than that, what are #Republicans ? For what do they stand? — What have Republicans done for us?, by @donsurber [Link]#
- Again, no respect.#
- You cannot see what you choose not to see. — Willfully Blind David Weiss Pinky Promises Political Favoritism Didn’t Affect #HunterBiden Probe [Link]#
- Means it will fail and hurt the innocent.#
- Too Green To Fail, by @envMENTALsubstk [Link]#
- Interesting background.#
- The #history you learn in public school seldom covers the history worth reading. — @ElonMusk and the Value of Failure [Link]#
- They leave the science and the economics as a exercise for the reader.#
- Who pays the price of intermittent power matters. — Europe’s Largest Wind Farm Facing Bankruptcy via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
- She is good!#
- @claricefeldman7 There’s a little bit of steel forged in there. [Link]#