Sunday November 12, 2023; 8:51 PM EST
- ESG is a thumb on the scale of justice.#
- RT @DC_Draino: Reason number 472 why we need to break up the credit card monopoly:... ... “Mastercard links all employee bonuses to ESG goals”... ... T… [Link]#
- Journalism?#
- RT @Oilfield_Rando: A high school student gets reprimanded over his hairdo. Another high school student gets beaten to death by 20 other st… [Link]#
- Merit has advantages.#
- RT @VivekGRamaswamy: Everyone agrees that affirmative action in the NBA would ruin basketball, and affirmative action in the NFL would ruin… [Link]#
- Notready for prime time.#
- RT @ScottAdamsSays: Here‘s my experience trying to create a GPT (an app that uses the GPT-4 AI engine.)... ... Purpose: A GPT that allows me to s… [Link]#
- It should.#
- RT @julie_kelly2: Hard to overstate how this trial will impact Jack Smith’s election/J6 case in DC.... ... On same day draft of jury questionnair… [Link]#
- Sounds nefarious.#
- RT @Oilfield_Rando: Anyways, just a growing thread of State Department payments to undisclosed individuals for undisclosed purposes in the… [Link]#
- Faster, please.#
- RT @themarketswork: In an earlier October 11, 2020 ruling, Judge Totenberg stated there was “demonstrable evidence” that the implementatio… [Link]#
- RT @TaraBull808: Does it look like 20 people live in this house in Fulton County, Georgia? [Link]#
- RT @a_newsman: The prosecution of the sitting president’s chief political rival in four separate jurisdictions using novel legal theories s… [Link]#
- RT @Rasmussen_Poll: Analysis and Commentary from @EmeraldRobinson ... ... Did You Know Green Bay‘s Election Was Run by Michael Spitzer Rubenstein… [Link]#
- RT @KanekoaTheGreat: GEORGIA🚨... ... 20-year Fulton County Election Official Susan Voyles Says Test Ballots Counted In Georgia... ... "This is the part… [Link]#
- RT @KanekoaTheGreat: 🚨THREAD: Tucker Carlson on Duplicated Ballots, Falsified Tally Sheets, and Mail-In Ballot Fraud in Fulton County, Geor… [Link]#
- RT @Crimsontider: 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨... ... ***BREAKING NEWS***... Federal Judge Totenberg issued an order on Nov. 10th denying the GA SoS/E… [Link]#
- Poor journalism.#
- RT @ProfMJCleveland: This is an excellent point! If the media and politicians instead of attacking Israel when civilians are unintentional… [Link]#
- RT @JMichaelWaller: Trash reporting by @emczachor of @CBSNews. CBS uncritically recycles a CAIR report without informing the reader that CA… [Link]#
- Astounding.#
- RT @amuse: Do all moose that grow up next to nuclear power plants get this big? [Link]#
- Sad revelation.#
- RT @GenFlynn: On 🔥 analysis by @KanekoaTheGreat !!!... ... The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was another big lie perpetrated by the med… [Link]#
- Maybe the FBI headquarters vote can be overturned.#
- RT @shipwreckedcrew: I THINK the FBI HQ vote last week was only one of several that will be needed for a new HQ to actually be built. I th… [Link]#
- Not everyone in the region supports Hamas.#
- RT @iamtomnash: Breaking News! The Arab summit did look nice on video, but here is the DRAMA that actually happened behind the scenes folks… [Link]#
- And where was the corporate media?#
- RT @ELuttwak: Videos show how Hamas opens fire against Gaza civilians trying to leave the three Gaza hospitals under which Hamas has its he… [Link]#
- Waiting to be reported.#
- RT @pepesgrandma: ❗️ Important! United Nations schools in Palestine are used for cover for Hamas. And just like the author states, there’s… [Link]#
- How convenient.#
- RT @RitaPanahi: For years San Francisco has dealt with a ‘human faeces on the streets’ problem, they’ve seen the return of *medieval diseas… [Link]#
- RT @stillgray: San Francisco is finally clean and it only took Xi Jinping to do it. Let that sink in. [Link]#
- Garbage journalism.#
- RT @JonathanTurley: NBC declared that DeSantis half lied when he claimed to have arranged the removal of hundreds of American citizens from… [Link]#
- The wheels of justice grind slowly.#
- RT @pepesgrandma: Acquitted Pro-Life Activist Mark Houck Sues DOJ Over Threatening, Armed Raid and Retaliatory Prosecution... ... Houck is curren… [Link]#
- Something journalism needs to label to properly serve subscribers.#
- RT @ConceptualJames: Communism advances by controlling the framing of issues with low-information people. If a society has too many manipul… [Link]#
- Garland caught dissembling.#
- RT @ProfMJCleveland: 🔥Just caught that Weiss testified: “I‘ve never had any direct communications with the Attorney General, save my commu… [Link]#