Monday November 6, 2023; 5:39 PM EST
- Judge has double secret probation for Trump attorneys#
- RT @innercitypress: But wait there‘s more (with Trump off the stand)... Trump‘s lawyer: How can we file a moment with the material in your gag… [Link]#
- RT @DavidAsmanfox: A political judge, who literally ruled Trump guilty before the trial even began, is now telling Trump he doesn’t want to… [Link]#
- RT @pepesgrandma: 🙌🏻 Wow! Trumps attorney slams the 3 ring circus NY court case and the Soros backed, Leticia James. ... ... There’s just too ma… [Link]#
- RT @innercitypress: OK - now Trump on the stand in NYS AG bench trial. Trump just said (testified?) "This is a very unfair trial, I hope th… [Link]#
- RT @innercitypress: NY AG lawyer: I move to strike as non responsive and argumentative.... Trump‘s lawyer: Mr. Wallace is getting what he aske… [Link]#
- RT @innercitypress: Trump: People like you go around to try to demean me and hurt me. People like her... [an "Oooh" goes up in the courtroom]… [Link]#
- RT @julie_kelly2: So this is happening… [Link]#
- RT @themarketswork: Missing the point. This is Obama directed. [Link]#
- What are they hiding? Obstruction of justice.#
- RT @JonathanTurley: The Oversight Committee announced that the Biden White House has refused to turn over any documentation on the alleged… [Link]#
- The Biden record.#
- RT @Doc_0: Also, I think DNC Media is reluctantly concluding that they can‘t gaslight people who have to buy groceries for their families e… [Link]#
- Hoaxes.#
- RT @MorbidlyObscure: @RebeccaMtn @ScottAdamsSays I made a list that Scott Adams started with a few additions. There are obviously a lot mo… [Link]#
- Defund parts of the UN.#
- RT @ConceptualJames: Of course they are. Abolish UNESCO. [Link]#
- History.#
- RT @donsurber: Community note: Nixon never used the FBI to spy on anyone. Watergate failed... Obama did on Trump. 17 FISA warrants [Link]#
- Obama’s third term.#
- RT @themarketswork: Missing the point. This is Obama directed. [Link]#
- RT @LeeSmithDC: Yes, it’s absurd the GOP-led House has wasted its time debating whether to impeach a mannequin without getting docs on ever… [Link]#
- RT @GenFlynn: Let’s keep @BarackObama aka “Barry” and his deviant style of presentation TRENDING!... ... @DavidLimbaugh assessment below is corre… [Link]#
- Not a good choice.#
- RT @TomFitton: Bidens picks communist for federal court slot. [Link]#
- Journalism fail.#
- RT @donsurber: Passionate protests... ... I guess mostly peaceful protests was already taken... ... ABC reporter, eh... ... Thank you for showing me Disney‘s… [Link]#
- RT @MZHemingway: If you are trained to notice subtleties, you can detect an ever-so-slight difference in how corporate media talk about lef… [Link]#
- RT @julie_kelly2: I know you’ll be SHOCKED to hear this, but Greg Jacob and 60 Minutes are lying.... ... Which is why they redacted the time of e… [Link]#
- RT @ProfMJCleveland: More media outlets reported Trump paid hookers for golden shower with no corroborating evidence, than reported Chi-Com… [Link]#
- RT @JennaEllisEsq: This is a perfect example of how media spins their headlines to create outright LIES. No, @SpeakerJohnson did not admit… [Link]#
- RT @Rach_IC: Oh boy, the 60 Minutes piece about John Eastman just aired, and it is a total hit job as expected. Disgusting how vile the MSM… [Link]#
- RT @ProfMJCleveland: So did corporate media just pretend this weekend that the House hadn‘t just uncovered the 10% for the Big Guy in the $… [Link]#
- RT @SenRonJohnson: Evidence is mounting that there was/is a coordinated effort by partisan actors within federal agencies involving MSM and… [Link]#
- Justice undermined.#
- RT @TPC4USA: 🚨THREAD🚨: Regarding @theblaze ‘s recent story about @CapitolPolice Special Agent David Lazarus‘s Oath Keeper trial testimony,… [Link]#
- RT @julie_kelly2: Jacob sent the email 2 hours before the 1st breach of the building and 40 minutes before the first set of bike racks were… [Link]#
- RT @RealStevefriend: Multiple government law enforcement witnesses perjured themselves to rig a trial. The social compact is broken. We are… [Link]#
- One can hope.#
- RT @mirandadevine: No more unattended drop boxes for 2024. #2000Mules [Link]#
- RT @TomFitton: So a court can order a new election when an election is compromised? Good to know. via @nypmetro [Link]#
- Bring the facts to light.#
- RT @GenFlynn: .@SpeakerJohnson and other members of the @GOP need to get Rey Epps in, place him under oath, and directly ask him, who he wa… [Link]#
- Sounds bad for Pence.#
- RT @julie_kelly2: Pence, Short, and Jacob waited until the last possible minute to notify Congress the VP would not go along with Eastman p… [Link]#