A breath of fresh air and sound reason even the #media cannot smother. — #SarahHuckabeeSanders# Delivers the #GOP Response to #SOTU: 'The Choice Is Between Normal and Crazy' pjmedia.com#
It will at least record who is for America and who is not.#
House #GOP makes first big push to boost #energy production by curbing #climate rules - - @washtimesgo.shr.lc#
.#absurd! If you sold #weed illegally you could get a license. If you sell it illegally now you can’t. — Crackdown on illegal weed shops expands, as Manhattan DA asks landlords to evict violators via @gothamistgothamist.com#
A breath of fresh air and sound reason even the #media cannot smother. — #SarahHuckabeeSanders# Delivers the #GOP Response to #SOTU: 'The Choice Is Between Normal and Crazy' pjmedia.com#
It will at least record who is for America and who is not.#
House #GOP makes first big push to boost #energy production by curbing #climate rules - - @washtimesgo.shr.lc#
.#absurd! If you sold #weed illegally you could get a license. If you sell it illegally now you can’t. — Crackdown on illegal weed shops expands, as Manhattan DA asks landlords to evict violators via @gothamistgothamist.com#