Monday January 23, 2023; 10:15 PM EST
- Teen scum and teen parent scum.#
- Heroic Fox News Meteorologist Defends Elderly Man From Pack of Vicious Teens, Is Severely Beaten
- And she’s in line for President after they ditch @JoeBiden?#
- Kamala Changes Declaration of Independence, Demolishes Dems on Abortion in Process
- COVID19#
- Africa is starkly unvaccinated and starkly unvanquished by #COVID19
- Yes, but we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy.#
- Democrats don’t care what they say.#
- Heh! #Dems’ past practice would leave them off. — Jeffries to McCarthy: ‘Honor Past Practice’ and Seat Schiff, Swalwell on Intel via
- Bullshit.#
- .#Leftists claim Aretha Franklin hit 'Natural Woman' inspires 'acts of harm against transgender women' via
- Kearn about both.#
- Also, which should you favor—#altruism or #charity ? — On the Effectiveness of #Charitable Giving, by @vpostrel
- And Democrats won’tadmit they cause the problem.#
- Report: Illegal #MS13 Gang Member, Accused of Murdering Kayla Hamilton, Was Freed into U.S. by Biden‘s #DHS via
- Jan6th#
- .@SpeakerPelosi made #Jan6th into a political charade for her own interests. The #DOJ, the @FBI, and the #MSM went along, undermining America. — The Real January 6 via
- Pay attention!#
- Good advice to avoid being fooled by pseudo-science.
- Science and engineering beat political pontificating. — Claim: Solar Powered Refrigerators would Solve African Food Waste via
- Democrats again.#
- A delight to read.#
- Broader scope than you will find in the #MSM — So irrelevant they won't stop talking about him, by @donsurber