Tuesday January 17, 2023; 9:34 PM EST
- Undermining America#
- .#DEI superficiality is seeping in everywhere. Wherever you see it, ask this thinker’s questions. — Supplanting Truth as the Mission of American Universities thefp.com#
- .#Horsehockey from the horses’ mouths. — US Will ‘Soon�� Have ‘Illegal #HateSpeech’ Laws, World Economic Forum Panelist Tells Brian Stelter via @dailycallerdailycaller.com#
- "Experts" took out of school curricula the #Rhetoric studied for the last 1,000 years. If you can’t detect a logical rhetorical fallacy, you’re the mark.—4 Absurd Media Narratives To Distract Americans From Joe Biden’s Simultaneous Scandals thefederalist.com#
- Tucker Carlson Outlines How the National Security State is Superseding Elections by Controlling Politicians theconservativetreehouse.com#
- More concerns about the FBI#
- Journalism#
- Sorry, #media, the #GreatReset is real. ... And the issue is not who "owns" @AP, but rather who controls it. [Hint: Not its smaller member shareholders.] washingtonexaminer.com#
- Wait for the lawsuit.#
- RT @JustTheNews: Watch: Pentagon says non-vaccinated troops will not receive back pay justthenews.com#
- COVID19#
- Ivermectin Case To Be Heard By The Wisconsin Supreme Court Today, by @PierreKory open.substack.com#
- He’s not wrong.#
- Check out this article: Trump: ‘I have single-handedly shown the American Public how Crooked and Corrupt our Government is’ - rsbnetwork.com#
- Yes!#
- Grandsons that are two are the best! — Highlights of the News 1-17-23, by @donsurber open.substack.com#
- Interesting view.#
- Climate Activism Isn’t About the Planet. It’s About the Boredom of the Bourgeoisie via @wattsupwiththatwattsupwiththat.com#