command to mark these comments. These Drummer comments will only be visible in Drummer, and will not be processed into Old School blog post.#<!-- a note -->
, if you want the HTML comments to pass through into Old School blog post. However, Daytona does not index HTML comments, so you may instead use HTML elements with hidden attributes such as <code hidden>a hidden note</code>
. Daytona can find such "hidden note". 😀#-Drummer-
command to mark these comments. These Drummer comments will only be visible in Drummer, and will not be processed into Old School blog post.#<!-- a note -->
, if you want the HTML comments to pass through into Old School blog post. However, Daytona does not index HTML comments, so you may instead use HTML elements with hidden attributes such as <code hidden>a hidden note</code>
. Daytona can find such "hidden note". 😀#-Drummer-