After I learned the secret handshake, I saw it everywhere.
Sunday June 9, 2024; 9:58 AM EDT
  • We were in Scotland for several days. Many things to mention, but here’s one for starters. On the spectrum with “A) Enjoying hearing music as part of who we are” at one end and “B) Enjoying making music as part of who we are” at the other end, the people we met were oriented toward B much more than folks I know back home. The US leans toward A, I think.#
  • And on the spectrum between “C) Enjoying hearing recorded music” and “D) Enjoying hearing live music” here too I thought I saw a difference. People we met in Scotland leaned toward D more and back home we lean toward C, I think.#
  • And on the spectrum between “E) Enjoying big famous professional traveling shows” and “F) Enjoying local musicians” I also thought there was a difference. US: tilts toward A, C, and E, and Scotland: tilts toward B, D, and F. That’s how it felt during our brief stay.#
  • One part of the evidence: On a rural walk, we met a man at the end of his driveway and talked with him for maybe ten minutes. As part of a story he was telling, he sang a song in Gaelic to us, a song he said was deeply, historically meaningful to people from a region of the UK.#

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Last update: Sunday June 9, 2024; 10:30 AM EDT.