You know what's great design?
- You know how when there's a new blogging tool, everyone tries it and writes about only the new blogging tool. Hi! 👋#
- I have created daily notes every day at for almost exactly three years. I create a new "tiddler" each morning, and fill it up with whatever nonsense crosses my cranium throughout the day. It's not an ideal platform for that. I've been envious of Dave's site for a long time, because that's how I wanted mine to work. But I made it work in TiddlyWiki. I love TiddlyWiki. I've never found a platform so simple, yet so deep.#
- So what now? I'm not sure yet. I mean, there's no way Drummer replaces TiddlyWiki. Except perhaps for the daily notes entries. Drummer is perfectly suited for that. I imagine that my wiki will go back to being more of a, well, wiki. Book notes, quotes, topic journals, etc.#
- If you're following me here in Drummer, you'll get most of the stuff that used to go in the wiki's daily notes. I'll link back and forth to anything significant in both places for now.#
- Writing every day in my wiki has become a strong, enjoyable habit, so we'll see how this change fits. It's both for now.#

I am going to try cross-posting from the RSS feed here in Drummer to and Mastodon. It may turn out to be a bad idea, but for now those accounts may get a little chatty.
Just a regular update that I still very much hate the tabs in Safari 15 and Apple should fix this mess.
There's a weight attached to posting here vs It's the RSS feed. When I post on the wiki, it's just me taking notes online and if someone wants to read them, fine. Here, I'm
sending each note to people. I suppose I could keep more stuff under the Minutiae heading to avoid spamming RSS feeds, but still, knowing I'm doing it causes friction. On the other hand, Drummer does blogging in exactly the way I want to do blogging.
I'm still thinking a lot about the camera situation. The
Sam Abell video has me looking at my photos differently. I'm not sure why
this video in particular has me all worked up. I've watched dozens like it. I have so many very fine cameras and lenses that I spend too much time thinking about what to use, which camera to take where, film or digital, how should I organize my various bags, etc. I really just want to take pictures that are meaningful to me. Photos that "have a life," as Abell would say. The new Leica Q2 should arrive Thursday, and I'm thinking about how that might either help or hinder this process. Because the solution to having too many cameras is to buy
more cameras of course.
- It's 4:00am and I've already walked the dog and made coffee. Our schedule is pretty wonky#
- Made an appointment to get my second Shingles and annual Flu shot today at Walgreens. They had no record of my appointment, and even though I showed her my email with confirmation number, I had to reschedule for this evening. Computers, bah!#
- It's hard to distinguish between the end of a titled post and the following "normal" post. May need to figure out how to customize the CSS eventually.#
- Finally got the second Shingles vaccine today at my second appointment. Also the flu vaccine. I love vaccines and you should, too.#