I think I will check my notes on how to proxy this site via Caddy. I don't think it's a great idea to have users' email addresses exposed as part of the public URL. I'll probably run this at daily.baty.net
Ok, we're back! I hope Dave knows we appreciate all the work he's put in since Twitter pulled the rug on their API. This is good, because my plan is to use Drummer for my daily notes instead of Tinderbox or (more recently) Eleventy. I like simply hitting that big "
+" button, typing some words, and done.
once again thinking about moving more of my journaling to digital. As much as I love pen and paper, it becomes tiresome. I write too slowly and too sloppily. I suppose the idea is that it gets me away from the computer, but I'm hardly ever away from the computer, so that turns out to be mostly aspirational.
For some reason, I'm working on a new site build using
Eleventy for
baty.net. My usual and regular frustration with using WordPress is kicking in and I need something fresh (that's not Hugo or Ghost).
My brief foray back into Fuji-land cost me more than I care to admit. I've sold the Fuji X-T5 kit that I purchased only two months ago. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.