A personal blog on my learning from reading, listening and seeing. The name SKALMAN is taken from the Swedish cartoon 'Bamse – The World's Strongest Bear'
How everything can collapse#
Redan 2015 skrev fransmännen Pablo Servigne et Raphaël Stevens boken Comment tout peut s'effondrer : petit manuel de collapsologie à l´usage des générations présentes, som först 2020 översattes till engelska med titeln How everything can collapse.#
När jag läste boken fascinerades jag av deras metafor för hur vi människor kör bilen tills motorn dör på grund av att nått en av planetens gränser eller så att vi accelererar tills vi kör i diket eller krossas mot en bergvägg.#
  • 'To be a catastrophist, for us, simply means avoiding a posture of denial and taking note of the catastrophes that are taking place. We have to learn to see them, to accept their existence and to say goodbye to all these events will deprive us. In our opinion, it’s this attitude of courage, of consciousness and calm, with our eyes wide open, that will enable us to pursue future paths. This isn’t pessimism. […] The paths we might pursue are barely marked, and they lead to radical change in life, a life less complex, smaller, more modest and respectful of the limits and boundaries of the living world. Collapse is not the end but the beginning of our future.‘#

Last update: Tuesday October 8, 2024; 3:18 AM EDT.