This month the Swedish cartoon Bamse, in which one of the main characters is SKALMAN, celebrate its 50th years anniversary. I think therefore it's time for SKALMAN to wake up after his long sleep. #
In the meantime I have observed new developments on the sense making scene, the intense discussions on several web sites, blogs, and podcasts. #
The very fascinating illustration of this development is a blog post by Joe Lightfoot: The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets
Lightfoot explains why he had chosen the word LIMINAL like this: "Liminal is to occupy a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold". #
I was informed about this blog post from a conversation on the development of the possible future digital platform for sense making in general, something so many is longing for. #
SKALMAN got an idea today: Why don't you try to cover interesting discussions taking place on the different nodes of the LIMINAL web.#
I will consider that idea, so we at least can have a prototype ready when HOLOCHAIN will be finally released.#

Last update: Wednesday February 22, 2023; 1:07 PM EST.