The real problems of life are literally not what we think they are. The problems lie with identification with every thought that occurs to us. We don’t have thoughts, thoughts have us. They capture and tyrannise us.
Only confusion lies at the end of trains of thought.
We pour all our cognitive resources into and invest heavily in our separate egos. What a waste. Let us recognise what happens when we invest in the simplicity of open, centreless awareness.
Can we attend closely and carefully to the difference between memories and what is actually present here, now?
If we are anything we are a spontaneous arising of ever changing aliveness.
The universe remains indifferent to our separate identities and desires.
Identifying as this or that is not liberation. Self identification binds us instead of freeing us. To let go of identification with anything opens us up to everything unconditionally.
When attachment and investment are seen completely—root cause as well as the consequences that arise—then the seeing is the letting go.” Toni Packer
The moment we notice ourselves behaving as ‘someone’ in relation to someone else or ‘others’ it is an opportunity to recognise this identification as a fabrication, a fantasy to solidify the ego.
There seems to me to be little point in insightful realisations if they remain within the domain of ‘formal’ mediation practice sessions. Awakening reveals our essential aliveness that is present all the time, everywhere before and underneath every moment of our experience. Can we not practice persistent recognition in the midst of life?