Twitter is cutting off access to Drummer soon. I already have a complete backup, with revisions, of my Drummer files because I use
Roady to sync them to GitHub. But I still used Drummer's
Tools → Download my files command just in case. I wish I could help Dave Winer with the transition, but I don't think there's anything I can do beyond just letting him do his thing. I am glad he wants to keep Drummer running!
Sometimes I run the roomba just because it makes it seem like there's another live thing in my apartment, and that is science fiction as fuck.

You start with no cassette decks, and you can't play any tapes. And then you have five cassette decks, but you still can't play any tapes. Everything is broken, always. Sometimes it's because cassette decks are full of super-complicated parts, all 40 years old, wearing out. This is also how software development is, all the time. Something is always broken, and you have to fix it, before you can get to the good parts. Sometimes it's bugs. Sometimes it's billionaires scraping the friction from the gears of their money creation machines, optimizing away all the stupid extra edge cases, what are those parts and people for anyway, you do not need those, because they do not make me money. Most people are not like that. We do not break things on purpose, for thousands and thousands of other people, just for our own gain. There is a type of person who will do this in a heartbeat, and say you are stupid not to do it that way, too.