I have cut my first record! It sounds so, so incredibly terrible. I love it.

I managed to acquire a
PO-80 Record Factory during the brief time it was available at the teenage engineering website at the offering price, $159 plus accessories like additional blank vinyl records, cutting needles, and the carry case. There are a couple on eBay right now for around $600. If I had any sense at all, I'd just sell it for a nice profit. Of course, instead I am going to put it together.
Feedle is a new search engine for blogs and podcasts, apparently powered by RSS. You can get an RSS feed for your search results. It looks interesting, but I can't find the RSS feed for their
top stories page, and it really seems like there should be one.
I have been stupidly, ridiculously busy lately, putting together all the things so I can make all the things. These next three pieces need work, but it's better if I just post the drafts now and move on, rather than sit on them until they're done.
- (1 min read)#
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- There's a beat that goes with this, it's stumbly. Bump baddaaddabumpbump bump dash uh uh uh.#
- You feel exactly the way that you do right now. It's not a science experiment, though it could be. There's a beat that goes with this.#
- You don't have to go out and find a beat, and make sense of what you're feeling right now. That's you. That's right. #
- So you don't need to do whatever it is that you do, however it is that you do, just go on doing that with your bad self. But you can make your own new beat if you like. And this experience that you are doing, well, that right there? That there is magic. It's you.#
- Whatever beat you want that goes with this, that is what this beat is. You feel exactly the way I do right now. And that is you right there. You.#
- There's a beat that goes with this. I just have to go hook up the mic.#
- It's stumbly. But you make your own beat, you do what you like.#
- This is the art part.#
- If it takes more time, that's how much time it takes. You get to spend a little more time doing that right there. Hopefully there's a beat that goes with it.#
- It does not have to be a dope song, with a hypnotic beat, going round and around and around in your head. It can just be a blog post, like this one.#
- But you take this idea, this part, this part, the art part, right here, and express it yourself, wherever you are, doing whatever it is that you are doing, you express that. You make your own art. And that idea that is coming through to you right now, because of the art that you are receiving, however this is being expressed to you, in such a way, that you can experiencing right now, that is the art part. And you make it yourself. And you record it, however it is that you record what it is to be you, you record that. That experience that you are going through, that's the art part. And we all make it ourselves.#
- There's a beat that goes with this. You'll hear it. Just listen.#
- (2 min read)#
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- This blog post exists as one specific embodiment of the larger art work that it describes. It is not the entire thing, it cannot be. It is just the blog part. The larger art work exists in a conceptual space, the hypothetical space, options. It is that space. #
- Reality is clumpy, it is held together and made of fractals and power laws. Making large changes requires large amounts of change. The speed of light is the speed of reality. You squish it hard in one direction, it becomes a hologram, a single change, one commit to reality, like git. The largest lumps are called kurts. This is reality, where you are, right now, all the rules and state that make up now, the present, but with all the weight of history behind it, and what comes after, up ahead. #
- Everything is always happening, right now, everywhere at once. Making large changes require you to know what has come before, and that transformation, that difference between just now, and what came before, that is called the cobain. It is the difference between where you are and what you are, and what everything there is around you is, and what it is going to be once this moment has passed. The cobain is a mathematically applied manipulation to reality, the exact definition of that which needs to be different, to get from here, where we are, wherever that happens to be at the moment, to there, wherever we are going to be. #
- Reality is clumpy, but it changes. Larger clumps of reality, what you'd call a parallel universe, movie-style, exist as perturbations of the cobain, clumped together, as a power law, as a fractal, and propagate at the speed of light. There's THINGs, which exist, movie-style, as gods, because what they are is defined literally between kurts, between the cobain itself. Also they make good storytelling.#
- But that description of reality, with kurts and cobains, and THINGs, and whatnot, that is not what this particular blog post is about. That's one way of viewing, experiencing, creating what we are right now. It is one embodiment of what this particular blog post is about. #
- This is the art part. The art part is the part where you are doing what you are doing, right now. Just like me. I'm saying it again because I like repetition, because repetition is time, it is change, it is frequency, it is happening everywhere and it is clumping. In mine, there's a beat that goes with this. It's easier to hear if you say it out loud. That's the art part. It keeps happening, we all make it all the time. #
- The art part is where we say it out loud. #
- That's what this post is, what the blog part is. It is one part of the art, one specific embodiment of a description of the way the universe is, and how to view it, and how to change it, how to explain it, how to make it happen, how to make it all happen. #
- (2 min read)#
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- How you experience reality defines who you are, and that can be changed. We go with what's around us. #
- If everybody else in the room is saying insane things, we listen to what they're saying, and we agree, because that's how reality is. That's how it works. Your expectations are what has happened to you. One day, there are two sides, and the next, there is just one side, because that's just what happened, and everyone will probably get over it, because there are things to do.#
- I am not kidding about this, humans are capable of scary things. #
- And we live in a place where many, many people have all the weapons they need, more weapons than they need, weapons they couldn't possibly use in a lifetime of peaceful murder and mayhem, all waiting there, just waiting to be used and loved for their glorious murderous joyous what-had-to-happen-but-it's-all-better-now, more weapons than even that, quite frankly, I'm talking about just a stupendous number of high-powered ways to murder as many people as quickly as possible, then multiply that by a very, very large number, that kind of mind-boggling amount of firepower just itching to be used, let's say it's a wonder there aren't mass murders and political killings and showing people who's boss once and for all, happening each and every day, all the time, everywhere.#
- Some are just waiting for their turn, for permission. Permission to go nuts. Permission to finally use all those sweet, wonderful weapons, and put an end to everyone who is different. Twitter has been instrumental in granting that permission. #
- I mean, someone always has to pay. And everybody is going along with it, like it's some sort of fucking joke. Elon, you fucking asshole. I know what you're up to. We all know. All Elon cares about is Elon, just like Putin, just like Trump. Twitter wasn't a net good for society before you got hold of it, and something tells me you like that. I know what you can do to people with your money. Continue to fuck yourself with all the money and expertise and resources you have, because I know you like that, we all do, we all want what you want, the way you want it, all the time, in every possible way.#
- The blog part is about works of art that talk about where the world is, and how it got there, and how it's going to be next. Twitter is a sideshow compared to what is coming. Twitter is just part of how we are getting there, how we got to this point, and how everything is just going to "just happen" and suddenly millions of people are dead. I don't think any one person can change that, it's like climate change. But some of us can make it far, far worse, some of us have the ability to really fuck shit up, and they are not used to being told no. #