Get some thinking done.
Sunday August 15, 2021; 12:48 PM EDT
  • This tweet's timeline accidentally gives the impression that the C-19 vaccines were developed in mere weeks, which could seem unbelievable, if you are so inclined, or part of a fraud.#
  • The reply now displayed below that tweet, however, indicates that we were profoundly lucky that a new technology, thirty years in the making, happened to be ready for use by knowledgable scientists at the moment when C-19 came knocking. #
  • Taken together, the tweet and reply are just one reason to see that public health emergencies are also information and public relations emergencies, almost by definition. Trying to move a whole society's emotional state, understanding, habits, trust, and willingness to act.#
  • Seems to me that telling this more elaborate story is the last thing President Trump would ever stir himself to do for the country he (in his fashion) presumably loves--it's just not his style to speak clearly to us about nuances. But I don't really think the story's been told properly by President Biden either, or his team. I don't blame people entirely for doubting, though I myself do not doubt the vaccines.#


Last update: Tuesday August 17, 2021; 1:56 PM EDT.