Explored using Markdown bullet list marker *
or +
You can't use -
for bullet list marke in Logseq block. It's already used by Logseq for outline hierarchy.
Explored using Markdown ordered list marker 1.
It's a digit, fullstop & space. The ending space is necessary. Ref GFM Ex 239.
Logseq Markdown doesn't interpret 1)
, even though GFM says you can use that as ordered list marker.
First block in titled post
Second block in titled post
Another markdown sub in second block
A sub-sub
Another sub-sub
Third block in titled post
A markdown sub in second block
Another markdown sub in second block
Yet another markdown sub in second block
Explored using Markdown bullet list marker *
or +
You can't use -
for bullet list marke in Logseq block. It's already used by Logseq for outline hierarchy.
Explored using Markdown ordered list marker 1.
It's a digit, fullstop & space. The ending space is necessary. Ref GFM Ex 239.
Logseq Markdown doesn't interpret 1)
, even though GFM says you can use that as ordered list marker.
First block in titled post
Second block in titled post
Another markdown sub in second block
A sub-sub
Another sub-sub
Third block in titled post
A markdown sub in second block
Another markdown sub in second block
Yet another markdown sub in second block