🔑 The locksmith returned first thing on Friday morning. It was a brisk job in replacing the bottom barrel at South Lambeth Road. I then became the Keeper of the Keys for four flats. This is where the fun starts. It took planning of epic proportions to make sure everyone had access.
Some very upsetting news greeted me when I arrived at the SW9 school. This was a complete shock and remains a private moment. But there is so much love and support available for a school community that needs it right now.
The day picked up with some Gospel singing from Boy Y in a lively music lesson. He's a bit of a STAR. I think he knows that as well.
🍕 Some spooky Halloween pizzas were on the menu in food tech. I always come out of the SW9 school amazed at the new ideas that the pupils are served up. I had plans to repeat the process later in the day for the evening meal. We went with Chicago Town pizzas instead.
The school day finished singing Men at Work's Down Under with the Year 10 pupils. All school days should end this way. Much love for everyone in SW9. Always.
🎸 There was a half decent busker at LS strumming along to Half a World Away. He had a Manc accent, although I couldn't work out if this was for added theatrical value. It's still a banger of a tune. The perfect Friday early evening song ahead of the commute. You're down, but not out.
I found myself haggling over £1 for a Bob Dylan cassette on the train back to the bloody Estuary Wilds. Look, fella: if the price is £4 then it's for sale for £4. Don't be a cheeky f-er and ask for £1 off. A minute later and my watch pinged saying that he had bought it for £4.
📮 Back at base and The Postman Delivers: Nina Simone's Baltimore on CD. Pure quality. I put it to one side and caught up with the Forest preview on Radio Nottingham instead. We go again tomorrow afternoon. Oh Lordy.
The Battle of the Central Heating took place for the rest of the evening. A was making advances to flick the switch. I'm determined to dig in deep for as long as we can. What a time to be alive.