Album of he Day: Sonic Youth - Goo#
This was a ramble of a record. It's also VERY LOUD - even with my own volume output set to manageable levels. What a bloody great racket. I quite liked the Thurston / Kim interchange on vocals. Who needs a sole lead singer anyway? Some tracks dragged. Just end it, Dude. Sonic Youth are at their best when they at least attempt some melodies. Disappear is the standout track here. I like the F-IT attitude of just doing what they want, and not what other people want them to do.
🏓 We returned to the Table of Dreams before breakfast for a brief knock up. There was a light dew on the table, but thankfully no more damage from the little shits of Weird Wiv. It's a great time to be out in the public park. By pure coincidence we saw a couple of very nice people from the old 15 Queen Street crowd in Sunny Colch. THOSE DAYS...
The table tennis game itself was brief but competitive. We're both finding our groove once again after a summer away. One game in particular was stretched out to a 15-13 thriller. Yes, it really was a thriller. A triumphed in the end with an overall 3-2 game win.
🏊♂️ I forced myself to cycle off for a swim at lunchtime. I could quite happily have sat this one out. But there's no such thing as a bad swim, etc. Only a smelly one. The most foul smelling fella arrived in the changing room at the same time as me. His body odour was so repugnant that I had to hold by breath until he had passed. Please don't go for a swim, PLEASE DON'T GO FOR A SWIM. Use the gym instead, mate. He swam. Plus he didn't even shower first. The dirty, dirty dog. Oh dear.
Album of the Day Extra: Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Will The Circle Be Unbroken#
Well this was a pleasant surprise. It's a new artist for me. I was expecting some early 70's folk shit. All the suspect ingredients are there - the artist name, the album artwork, the choice of cover versions. But it doesn't sound dated. Decent songs don't age. It's far too long, but that's part of the appeal. Maybe the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band caught me on a good day. Maybe I'm maturing with age and becoming a stupid hippie.
🌵 I posted an online ad to sell one of my cactus plants. It's bloody HUGE - 1 metre, 70 cm. I'm quite attached to it, but we're rapidly running out of space as it continues to grow. It's an offshoot from a baby cactus I've nurtured for almost twenty years. I've no idea why this one is reaching for the stars. Sourcing a sensible price was surprisingly a little tricky online. I whacked it up on Gumtree at a silly starting price of £250. Let's see. That's an awful lot of second hand CD's to play around with.