Matt told me about Smirk's
Staring at Screens and it is catchy as hell. We need more bands and recordings that sound like this!
Just learned about
Midtown Uniform on IG today and now I can't unsee it everywhere. It's funny and I felt a little mean about enjoying so many of the posts until I read somewhere that people
send pictures of themselves to be featured. I guess vests are gonna vest.
Susan Kare explains Macintosh UI ergonomics on the Computer Chronicles (1984) –
YouTube. What's crazy is how advanced and novel this seemed at the time, and how much of it still works exactly the same 37 years later. And her voice is so calming!
The last part of
Ep. 555 of Back to Work was something I needed to hear. Merlin illustrated how to be aware of when your spaces are "active work areas" vs. "holding areas" vs. "storage areas", and when they start as one of those and morph into another. Also, Merlin pointed out that when they get 222 more episodes done, they'll be world-writable (777), so maybe they should stop at 755 which would be safer. Dan snickered. Ha!
Most of things I write in Markdown, I don’t ever care about rendering them any prettier anywhere else. I’m mostly just looking at pure Markdown.
Beabadoobee just can do no wrong. I particularly like this live version of "Back to Mars" –
I want Brett Terpstra's
Doing to also log everything I do away from the computer.
That's the format I want. (via
Jack's wiki)
Capture One to Launch iPhone App for Photo Capture and Editing – #
Ooooo! Fucked Up Announce Rarities Album
Do All Words Can Do – Although March 25, 2022 is a long time to wait. :(
Oh, to have been there for this onslaught: Thin Lizzy – Live (Full Concert) @ Sydney Opera House, Oct. 1978 – #
Plain Org is a new iOS app for editing org-mode files. Hmm.
My brain is positively on fire now that I’ve tried
Quine 2 on iOS and can write to local TiddlyWiki files with it.
One curse of getting older is that you may have more discretionary money for things (toys), but the real limiting factor is the time you have in any given week to use them.
Part of the urge to settle on the One True Optimal Notetaking System (aka, a mirage) is because I'm trying to reduce the amount of mess that's already there and create less mess for myself day-to-day and in the future. I can't do that if I keep splintering off in different directions all the time.
I have to believe it's only a matter of time before org-mode on the iPhone becomes tolerable.
Life is way better when I visit my daily haunts from a laptop instead of tapping through them on the iPhone. I forget this all the time, though.
I saw Craig Mod tweet about using
Rectangle for window management on macOS. It's really good. Makes it as easy as Windows does to snap applications around the screen.
The idea of whether we should need to have access to our fancy notes systems on mobile devices makes me remember: when I used a non-cloud-syncing Palm III, and then a Handspring Visor (before I ruined everything with a color Palm Zire), I entered 99% of the information directly, with a stylus. I may have made a few edits to Contacts or DateBk info on Outlook on a PC and synced the changes, but most of it was done right on the device. It was all I had, but I didn't mind. In fact, it was a pleasure because the UI was so refined and fast. There was no WiFi connection, so no lure of news, messages, and social media constantly pulling me away from the task at hand. And crucially, no nagging worry in the back of my mind every time I added or updated a record in a database, hoping the sync mechanism was still working and connected, matching everything continuously with its master source in the cloud. It was a mentally quiet process. All of that made it
joyful. I rarely feel anything approaching that on the iPhone. It's infinitely more powerful than the Palms were, but it's so stress-inducing that I'm always itching to be done with it and put it down. I feel like I can be productive with "real" work only on the laptop. What if I had an iOS device (like my 2009 iPod touch) but even more limited, not able to pull news sources, email and Instagram out of the air, and focused on what information I could put
into it without it pushing stuff at me all the time?
Old Handspring Visors are $20–$25 on eBay and I am so tempted to get one.
If TiddlyWiki were natively better at outlining, it would be unstoppable.
I love, but one of my favorite things about Drummer is how un-Micro.bloggy it is. Other than the retweet button beside each line, I don’t believe there’s a way to engage with the content on a post. That’s how I like it! I want it to be largely one-way on my blog, and if I happen to see someone else comment elsewhere on something I wrote, all the better!
Man, somebody really does not want Fastmail to stay online. The DDoS attacks have turned it into Nomail recently.
- Actually, no, I'm not going to sign up. I'm so dependent on being able to link notes to each other that I can't do without that now, and SN doesn't have that feature.#
Steve Berlin Johnson's
Designing a Workflow For Thinking series looks interesting, but I doubt I'll become a paying subscriber to get access to it. I mainly just want to know whether he's currently using Roam or not!
The thing about "exposing for the shadows" with film is that the highlights take care of themselves. But with digital you're supposed to "expose for the highlights", so you end up with a bunch of dark photos that all require editing before you can use them. And then you have to figure out, well, how much of the highlights can I recover before this thing starts to look like gaudy HDR?
Ok, I'm not going to do X100T film simulation bracketing because each shot will take forever and the SD card will fill up way faster. I'll stick with RAW+Fine and probably leave the Fine on a modified version of Classic Chrome (like
this one from Fuji X Weekly although I'm not sure about Color at +2), and pretend that I need to get the exposure right when I shoot. When I get home, I'll most likely use a bunch of SOOC color JPGs and only use the RAF/RAW files for anything that I want to be monochrome, or for any color shots where I missed exposure wildly.
Fujifilm, you are a cruel mistress.
When I took a Canon PowerShot A70 to Italy in 2007, all I could do were generate JPGs with it. There was no ability to do RAW and worry about fixing exposure later. For this upcoming trip, I’m twisting myself in knots trying to figure out which Fujifilm X100T film simulation to use along with RAW, knowing that if you shoot RAW+Fine you don’t get the option to do film simulation bracketing. I’m tempted to just do film simulation bracketed JPGs because then I’d have a whole bunch of SOOC images that would likely be good enough to make minor tweaks to in Lightroom or Capture One. But I’d have to get the exposure generally right at the moment I shoot,
just like I used to when things were simpler.
I can be in a full-on, in-person conversation with someone, listening to them and saying words back, and the whole time I’m thinking “Where would this go if it were in a daybook/outline/file/notebook entry?”
Oh hello periodic urge to log things in plain text files. Wondered where you had gone. It's nice to see you again!