A personal blog on my learning from reading, listening and seeing. The name SKALMAN is taken from the Swedish cartoon 'Bamse – The World's Strongest Bear'
The content of some of the people and organizations who are consciously working directly or indirectly on Humanity’s Transition is curated on the site. It is prepared by Alex Goodall in parallel with a sister project Relevant Education: What you need to know to consciously participate in the most consequential 25 years in Humanity’s history. #
SKALMAN proposed earlier this week that we should cover some of the websites/podcasts dealing with sense making. Let us start with one of the podcasts Joe Lightfoot has regarded as central.: Future Thinkers#
Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova were founding the Future Thinkers in 2013 and describe themselves like this: "We have been traveling the world as digital nomads since 2012, exploring different cultures, alternative lifestyles, and out-there ideas." #
Future Thinkers is a series of podcasts and videos about evolving technology, society, and consciousness to create a more sustainable future for all of humanity. In the list of all sessions you will find thinkers like Daniel Schmachtenberger (FTP 36, 42, 43, 46, 57, 58, 59), Jordan (Green)Hall (FTP 47, 48, 62, 63) and John Vervaecke (FTP 98, 99, 110), but also names as Jim Rutt (FTP 105, 133), Tyson Yunkaporta (FTP 132), Daniel Christian Wahl (FTP 131), Nora Bateson (FTP 106, 107, 127, 130), Joe Brewer (FTP 126, 130), Bonitta Roy (FTP 125, Charles Eisenstein (FTP 81, 82), and many more. #
As those thinkers mentioned above also will be guests in other podcasts it should be one task to map their participation in the other parts of the LIMINAL web.#
This month the Swedish cartoon Bamse, in which one of the main characters is SKALMAN, celebrate its 50th years anniversary. I think therefore it's time for SKALMAN to wake up after his long sleep. #
In the meantime I have observed new developments on the sense making scene, the intense discussions on several web sites, blogs, and podcasts. #
The very fascinating illustration of this development is a blog post by Joe Lightfoot: The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets joelightfoot.org#
Lightfoot explains why he had chosen the word LIMINAL like this: "Liminal is to occupy a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold". #
I was informed about this blog post from a conversation on the development of the possible future digital platform for sense making in general, something so many is longing for. #
SKALMAN got an idea today: Why don't you try to cover interesting discussions taking place on the different nodes of the LIMINAL web.#
I will consider that idea, so we at least can have a prototype ready when HOLOCHAIN will be finally released.#
Nu är det snart fyra månader som Skalman varit i djup sömn. Varken sömn- eller matklockan har kunnat väcka honom. Under tiden har ett val hållits i Sverige med ett oönskat utfall. Den röd-gröna majoriteten har bytts mot en mörkblå majoritet som nu förhandlar om att bilda regering.#
När Sveriges riksdag igår återsamlades för att välja talman hade den förra mandatperiodens talman, Andreas Norlén (Moderat) åter nominerats. Han valdes med stöd från samtliga partier. Samma gällde valet av förste vice talman där Kenneth G Forslund (Socialdemokrat) valdes utan några invändningar. När sedan en andra vice talman skulle väljas hade de mörkblå enats om att nominera en representant från det näst största partiet (Sverigedemokraterna). Här var det bara ett parti, bland de totalt sju riksdagspartierna, som nominerade en motkandidat (Miljöpartiet). En av partiets gruppledare, Annika Hirvonen, inledde med att citera flera utländska mediers rapportering från det svenska valet där Sverige nu framställs som att högerextrema partier nu fått inflytande i den svenska parlamentarismen. Hon fann det upprörande att även talmanspresidiet skulle bekräfta den utländska bilden av valutgången. Hon nominerade därför motkandidaten Janine Alm Ericson till andre vice talman. Trots att Sverigedemokraternas kandidat fick tillräckligt antal röster i en andra votering, kom Hirvonens anförande att bli det kvarstående intrycket från dagen. Att det bara finns ett parti i riksdagen som står upp för de värden som sedan länge kännetecknat Sverige; jämställdhet, antirasism, vetenskap och medmänsklighet#
"Jag är en årsrik 80-plussare som efter yrkeslivets inrutade tidsschema nu har givits utrymme för min egenutveckling. Det har innburit lärande som inte ingick när jag utbildades vid Chalmers Tekniska Högskola på 60-talet. Här brukar jag använda Bengt Hubendicks "Männskoekologi" från 1985 som exempel på inspirationskällor jag haft. På senare tid har även Fritjof Capras "The hidden connections" vidgat mina perspektiv. Jason Hickels "Less is more-How degrowth will save the world" har också präglat mitt tänkande om dagens prekära situation för planeten och dess invånare."#
I samband med FN-mötet Stockholm 50+ den här veckan har jag valt att lyssna till en session på tisdag eftermiddag, kl.15-16:45: Co-creating a new economic system that delivers social justice on a healthy planet. Så här ser deras inbjudan ut:#
"System change not climate change: we've seen this slogan on placards all over the world, but what does it actually mean? Join us to hear from two inspiring young women leading the way in alternative economic practice, and discover how using economic systems thinking can help you in your activism.#
Amanda Janoo (WEAll) and Jennifer Hinton (Lund University) will share insights about the Wellbeing Economy and Not-For-Profit Economy models. Then, they'll be in conversation together about how to bring these visions to life.#
You will have the chance to join the conversation with Amanda and Jennifer, before an interactive workshop where we'll apply the Wellbeing Economy lens to the work of the changemakers in the room. How can the narrative of the Wellbeing Economy help you achieve your goals, and help us all live in societies where people and nature thrive together?#
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol on measurement and management of emissions#
The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol provides standards, guidance, tools and training for business and government to measure and manage climate-warming emissions.#
In order to take action to reduce emissions, we need to understand and measure where they’re sourced from in the first place. The three scopes, which I wrote about on May 12, are a way of categorising the different kinds of emissions a company creates in its own operations and in its wider ‘value chain’ (its suppliers and customers).#
“Developing a full [greenhouse gas] emissions inventory – incorporating Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions – enables companies to understand their full value chain emissions and focus their efforts on the greatest reduction opportunities”.#
Scope 1 covers emissions from sources that an organisation owns or controls directly – for example from burning fuel in our fleet of vehicles (if they’re not electrically-powered).#
Scope 2 are emissions that a company causes indirectly when the energy it purchases and uses is produced. For example, for our electric fleet vehicles the emissions from the generation of the electricity they're powered by would fall into this category.#
Scope 3 encompasses emissions that are not produced by the company itself, and not the result of activities from assets owned or controlled by them, but by those that it’s indirectly responsible for, up and down its value chain. An example of this is when we buy, use and dispose of products from suppliers. Scope 3 emissions include all sources not within the scope 1 and 2 boundaries.#
Vid Klimatpolitiska rådets seminarium idag var det flera intressanta frågor som behandlades, t.ex. förslaget om en grön statlig investeringsbank, global standardisering av hållbarhetsredovisbing, men också det privata initiativet GFANZ. #
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) was launched in April 2021 by UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance Mark Carney and the COP26 Presidency, in partnership with the UN-backed Race to Zero campaign launched by UN High-Level Climate Champions Nigel Topping and Gonzalo Muñoz, to unite net-zero financial sector-specific alliances from across the globe into one industry-wide strategic alliance.#
Policies for Sustainable Finance to Fund the Climate Transition#
The report by the Sustainable Finance Lab (Sweden) commissioned by the Swedish Climate Policy Council which will be presented at the seminar tomorrow Tuesday 24 May is available here. #
The report seeks to answer two overarching questions: 1. What role does the financial sector play in achieving society’s climate goals and in financing the climate transition? 2. How can the government of Sweden influence the financial sector so that capital is increasingly directed towards more sustainable activities?#
Based on critical analysis of both public policies for sustainable finance in both Sweden and the EU, and private sector actions, and how the private and public sectors together develop sustainable finance practices the report is put forward recommendations concerning how the Swedish government should act to promote investment in the transition to a climate-friendly society.#
Finanssektorns roll i klimatomställningen Klimatpolitiska rådet inbjuder till ett seminarium den 24 maj om finanssektorns allt större roll i klimatomställningen. Klimatpolitiska rådet har låtit Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL) ta fram en rapport som undersöker vilken roll politiken kan och bör ta för att styra den finansiella sektorn mot lösningar som främjar klimatomställningen. Vid seminariet presenterar professor Kent Eriksson, föreståndare för SFL, rapportens slutsatser och rekommendationer till regeringen. Cecilia Hermansson, Klimatpolitiska rådets vice ordförande, leder en efterföljande paneldiskussion med ledande företrädare för Riksbanken, Finansinspektionen och andra aktörer på de finansiella marknaderna. #
Det fysiska seminariet är fullbokat, men den digitala sändningen kan följas på Klimatpolitiska rådets webbplats i stället.#
ISO ESG and ISO 26000 information session yesterday#
The ISO 26000 SGN arranged yesterday an information session with one of the Co-Chairs of the ISO Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) on ESG, Jorge Cajazeira , and also one of the Co-Secretaries Eduardo São Thiago. #
The information given was declared as a status report for the moment and could be changed any time afterwards. #
As announced earlier the organisation of the SAG is as a partnership between the British ISO member BSI, and the Brazil ISO member ABNT with the ISO member from Canada (SCC), who submitted the proposal to the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) chairing the SAG with Professor Poonam Pori. Both BSI and ABNT offer as Co-Secretaries Mike Henigan, and Eduardo São Thiago. The British Co-Chair is David Jackman, representing BSI.#
The SAG has members from the ISO members represented in ISO TMB and from other ISO member bodies with interest in the topic. In addition there is also a Consultative group with representatives from relevant ISO Technical Committees as well as from the existing ESG ecosystem.#
The SAG has an extensive mandate and a tough deadline, 20 September 2022 when the ISO TMB has its meeting. #
Just the days before yesterday the SAG has had its second meeting where the mandate, the vision, and the value proposition, which the SAG is requested to deliver, was discussed. #
Greenhouse gas emissions from all processes have to be included for the whole life cycle of a product. From cradle to grave, up-streams and down-streams . #
When there is a need to disclose emission data of the Scope 3 types (as TCFD recommends) companies have use of the methodology recommended in ISO 14044:2006 “Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines” and ISO 14040:2006 “Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework”#
In addition the standard called “Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard” published by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol can been used for guidance in methodological choices.#
The company Polestar has carried out an analysis of its Polestar 2 (model year 2020) and Volvo XC40 petrol internal combustion engine (ICE) (model year 2020) which is a good example of how a Life Cycle Analysis may look.#
The carbon footprint from materials production (including the Li-ion battery modules) of the ICE is carbon footprint from materials production (including the Li-ion battery modules) of the ICE is roughly 40% less than for Polestar 2. Looking at the category “Materials production” the five main contributors for the XC40 ICE are aluminium 34%, steel and iron 34%, electronics 13%, polymers 11% and fluids and undefined 4% #
For Polestar 2 the main contributors to the carbon footprint of the material production (including Li-ion battery modules) are aluminium 29%, Li-ion battery modules 29%, steel and iron 17%, electronics 10%, and polymers 7%#
Total use phase GHG emissions from the Polestar 2 vary greatly depending on the carbon intensity of the electricity used. The total of GHG emissions, depending on kilometres driven, from Polestar 2(with different electricity mixes in the use phase) are illustrated in the LCA.#
The recording of the TCFD webinar on climate disclosure convergence held Monday 9 May is available here#
"Mycket intressant artikel även för de som kan mycket om jord. Jordbakterierna i rhizosfären fungerar som de gynnsamma bakterierna i vår tarmflora; ökad mångfald av bakterier skyddar växten mot parasiter och gynnar näringsupptag och kolinlagring."#
"What Tolly appears to be doing is strengthening and diversifying the relationships in the rhizosphere – the plant’s external gut. By keeping roots in the soil, raising the number of plant species and adding just the right amount of carbon, he seems to have encouraged bacteria to build their catacombs in his stony ground, improving the soil’s structure and helping his plants to grow." #
George Monbiot lanserar i slutet av maj sin senaste bok: Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet bl a vid ett Guardian Live-arrangemang den 30 maj mellan kl 21:00-22:00 CEST#
It was stressed by TCFD that their work was focused on a framework, while the ISSB and SEC where examples of standards both developed within the TCFD framework. All three are now in a consultation phase until end of July and will after the summer have gone through comments (positive and negative) before next release#
One background information which was repeatedly referred to in the presentations was the GHG emissions scope levels.#
• Scope 2 refers to indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat, or steam.#
• Scope 3 refers to other indirect emissions not covered in Scope 2 that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions. Scope 3 emissions could include: the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity-related activities (e.g., transmission and distribution losses), outsourced activities, and waste disposal#
“Now is the time to ensure that every financial decision takes climate change into account.” – Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance, Governor of the Bank of England, December 2019#
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors asked the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to review how the financial sector can take account of climate-related issues.#
• could “promote more informed investment, credit, and insurance underwriting decisions”#
• in turn, “would enable stakeholders to understand better the concentrations of carbon-related assets in the financial sector and the financial system’s exposures to climate-related risks.”#
The Task Force’s 31 international members, led by Michael Bloomberg, include providers of capital, insurers, large non-financial companies, accounting and consulting firms, and credit rating agencies. #
To get an overview of the TCFD-activities there is introductory material in a booklet from March 2019 and Workshops in a Box from February 2022. Workshops in a Box is a set of five presentations for use in introductory workshops on the TCFD recommendations to help support adoption and implementation. The first workshop presentation provides an introduction to the TCFD and an overview of the four TCFD recommendations for climate-related financial disclosure. The remaining four workshop presentations provide more details on each of the TCFD recommendations, including example disclosures.#
Today a one-hour webinar on climate disclosure convergence is held in light of recent publications by the US Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) on climate-related disclosure that incorporate the TCFD recommendations, the TCFD will host a one-hour webinar in conjunction with representatives from the SEC and ISSB. #
Nature-related Risk & Opportunity Management and Disclosure Framework#
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is developing the TNFD framework through an open innovation approach with market participants and with the benefit of the expertise provided by a global network of knowledge partners from science, standards, data, technology, finance, business, policy and regulation. #
In a document and an accompanying online portal an initial beta version (v0.1) of the TNFD framework s presented. It represents the beginning of the TNFD’s consultation and pilot testing with market participants. This feedback and testing approach will inform subsequent releases of beta versions through 2022 and 2023 before the Taskforce launches its final recommendations in late 2023. #
The TNFD framework seeks to provide recommendations and guidance on nature-related risks and opportunities relevant to a wide range of market participants, including investors, analysts, corporate executives and boards, regulators, stock exchanges and accounting firms.#
C. Guidance for corporates and financial institutions to undertake nature-related risk and opportunity assessment and incorporate into their enterprise strategy and risk management processes.#
As it is planned to release a second Beta version (v0.2) already in June 2022, anyone interested in the subject should consult the document and give their feedback on the online portal. #
Mistra, an independent research foundation, has decided to fund two programme proposals within the call for “Biodiversity and the financial system”. Both research programmes intend to stop the loss of and recreate biodiversity through interdisciplinary research, involving partners from industry and the financial sector. #
The two programme proposals to receive funding are the Mistra Biodiversity Finance programme, BIOFIN, with the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University as the main applicant, and Pathways Towards an Efficient Alignment of the Financial System with the Needs of Biodiversity, BIOPATH, with Lund University as the main applicant.#
The proposed Mistra BIOFIN programme aims to increase the financial sector’s ability to contribute to a “nature positive” economy. To do this, the programme will develop methods and indicators to identify business models that protect existing biodiversity, as well as business methods to improve it. Programme Director for Mistra BIOFIN is Garry Peterson, Professor of Environmental Science at the Stockholm Resilience Centre .#
The proposed BIOPATH programme and its partners will map, evaluate and co-develop existing and new approaches in which biodiversity is integrated with financial decision-making. The institutional and political consequences of these approaches will be analysed. BIOPATH focuses on changed land use related to agriculture, silviculture and energy. Programme Director for BIOPATH is Susanne Arvidsson, Associate Professor of Accounting and Corporate Finance at Lund University.#
The submitted programme proposals have been evaluated by an international panel of experts.#
"The link between biodiversity and the financial system is a new research area that is absolutely current. The two programme proposals were highly ranked by the panel, they have different approaches and complement each other extremely well." says Anna Jöborn, Mistra’s CEO.#
När det gäller finansmarknadens roll när det gäller relationen till naturen var den annonserade experten Susanne Arvidsson, docent i redovisning och finans på Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet förhindrad på grund av sjukdom och medverkade enbart genom en förinspelad intervju. I hennes ställe medverkade Fredrik N G Andersson, som framför allt forskat om inlåsningseffekter vid omställning till en mera hållbar ekonomi. Från banksektorn medverkade Fredrik Nilzén, hållbarhetschef på Swedbank. Här finns en inspelning av seminariet.#
Who is leading the ISO/TMBG/SAG_ESG Working Group? #
A few names of the experts involved in the SAG-ESG are known! I have found out that Poonam Puri (CA) has the position "Chair" and Jorge Cajazeira (BR) "Vice Chair". On the ISO web site the first two are said to be TASK GROUP convenors together with David Jackman (GB).#
In recent years there has been a shifting tide in the private sector, a movement away from shareholder focus to a more holistic corporate model that considers a variety of stakeholders.#
In a report published by the Shared Value Initiative: “Hybrid Metrics: Connecting Shared Value to Shareholder Value” a new approach is introduced that combines companies' social and environmental impact with standard measures of financial performance, making the connection between the two explicit.#
The report is available from Shared Value Initiative here. #
Biologisk mångfald - Det nya CO2 för finansmarknaden#
Sveriges Forum för hållbara investeringar (Swesif) inbuder till ett seminarium fredagen den 6 maj kl 11-12.#
Seminariet erbjuder ett initierat samtal där ledande forskare inom ekonomi, ekologi och kulturgeografi benar ut de nödvändiga utmaningarna för det finansiella systemet när det gäller biologisk mångfald.#
Anmäl dig för att säkra din fysiska eller digitala plats!#
Vad har det finansiella systemet för påverkan på arters fortbestånd och de ekosystemtjänster vi människor är beroende av?#
Vilka risker innebär det för näringslivet när naturresurser utarmas?#
Går det att hitta styrmedel som stödjer ett bevarande av biodiversitet inom finansvärlden?#
Hur kan man i så fall ta sig an en så komplex fråga, och, vilka faror finns det med att börja räkna ekonomiskt på värdet av naturen? #
Swesif är observatör i Eurosif som är ett partnerskap mellan europeiska SIF-organisationer. Eurosif skriver rapporter och kommentarer till EU-initiativ inom ESG. Genom Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA) samarbetar man med världens största SIF-organsiationer.#
Identify the relevant ISO standards that will respond and support the achievement of indicators in the various ESG frameworks.#
Identify alignment, gaps, and opportunities for ISO e.g. specific standards that could be developed, and areas where standards could be modified.#
Develop recommendations based on the map and guidance on how to strengthen the linkages between ISO standards and ESG frameworks e.g. provide input to the work on stakeholder engagement.#
ISO 26000 SGN invites to an Information session at Friday 13 May 2022 from 13.00 – 14.30 hours CET. With ISO ESG Vice Chair Jorge Cajazeira (Brazil) and ABNT Secretariat Eduardo São Thiago.#
Task Group 2 is responsible for 'Stakeholder engagement' and #
Articulate the value proposition that ISO brings to the ESG ecosystem#
Identify alignment, gaps, and opportunities for ISO, utilizing the mapping of the current ESG disclosure frameworks, standards, and indicators to ISO standards#
Develop recommendations and guidance on how to strengthen the linkage between ISO standards and ESG disclosure frameworks for ESG reporting#
Develop a stakeholder engagement strategy to provide a mechanism to effectively collaborate with stakeholders in the ESG ecosystem at the technical and strategic policy level. The strategy shall identify clear roles and responsibilities within ISO and in relation to its membership.#
Develop recommendations on how the ISO conformity assessment standards can help solve some of the challenges identified, including a pilot of how to leverage these ISO standards to meet users’ needs in the ESG ecosystem#
Develop an approach to monitor changes in the ESG operating environment and a mechanism to enable those changes to inform the relevant ISO technical committees and the ISO engagement strategy#
Provide advice on mechanisms to effectively coordinate activities in ISO technical committees to enable alignment of standardization deliverables with primary ESG disclosure frameworks and the defined engagement strategy#
Develop recommendations for tools to support ISO committees who may have linkages to ESG considerations#
In recent years, organizations have become more responsive to their stakeholders regarding the positive and negative environmental and social impacts of their operations while demonstrating sound governance practices. Organizations disclose these impacts and activities through environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure frameworks and standards.#
However, several challenges remain, as there is a lack of harmonization and consensus in proposed ESG frameworks, and lack of guidance on the best ways to transform existing processes and operations to meet the indicators of various ESG frameworks. Additionally, there is lack of trust and stakeholder confidence in the ranking's results from the various frameworks and indices.#
ISO's newly published SAG proposal provides details on opportunities for ISO to play a bigger role to ensure that the ESG frameworks continue to have a far-reaching and positive impact. The document also details related work of ISO technical committees (TC) that develop standards to address ESG issues, including ISO/TC 207 Environmental management, ISO/TC 322, Sustainable finance, ISO/TC 309, Governance of organizations, and potentially the new TC on Social Responsibility.#
Environmental reporting and risk management a business norm#
The former Carbon Disclosure Project, which is now CPD - an international non-profit organisation aims to make environmental reporting and risk management a business norm, driving disclosure, insight, and action towards a sustainable economy.#
Starting in November 2021 CDP launched an event series, Frank dialogues, that will facilitate bold discussions and debates amongst thought leaders who have shaped environmental disclosure, taking stock of progress made, the pathway we’re on and what is to come. #
On Tuesday 2 November 2021 CDP's Frank Dialogue kicked off at COP 26, in Glasgow and online. This first episode focused on the current watershed moment in corporate sustainability and transparency, reflecting on the vision set out 30 years ago. Four speakers looked back at the spirit of Rio in 1992, commenting on the journey since then as well as the direction of travel. One of those four was Teresa Fogelberg, Board Member at Impact Economy Foundation and former GRI Deputy Chief Executive. #
Episode 2: Spotlight on the social dimension of ESG, took place on Monday 14 March 2022. Episode 2 assessed the current state of corporate reporting on social and human rights topics and provided recommendations on the main challenges. Four speakers looked at the evolution of policy and corporate action over the past two decades , assessing the status of National Action Plans and related regulations, as well as corporate reporting practices and impact management. #
Dante Pesce, Executive Director Vincular Centre, Catholic University of Valparasío-Chile#
���The Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market#
EFRAG is a private association established in 2001 with the encouragement of the European Commission to serve the public interest. EFRAG extended its mission in 2022 following the new role assigned to EFRAG in the proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) of 21 April 2021, providing Technical Advice to the European Commission in the form of fully prepared draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and/or draft amendments to these Standards. Its Member Organisations are European stakeholders and National Organisations and Civil Society Organisations. EFRAG’s activities are organised in two pillars: A Financial Reporting Pillar: influencing the development of IFRS Standards from a European perspective and how they contribute to the efficiency of capital markets and providing endorsement advice on (amendments to) IFRS Standards to the European Commission. Secondly, a Sustainability Reporting Pillar: developing draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards, and related amendments for the European Commission. #
In preparation for the EU public consultation activity later this spring it may be important to identify our Swedish contact persons in both EFRAG and especially in the Sustainability reporting pillar. #
In February 2022 EFRAG in a press release welcomed the organisation EUROSIF to its sustainability reporting membership. Eurosif is the leading pan-European sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) membership organisation. Its mission is to promote sustainability through its mission is to promote sustainability through partnership of Europe-based national Sustainable Investment Fora (SIFs) with the direct support of their network which spans over 400 Europe-based organisations drawn from the sustainable investment industry value chain.#
In Eurosif the Swedish SWESIF is acting as Observer. SWESIF has about 125 members and is a forum for sustainable investments . #
How the work on a European sustainability reporting standard is proceeding#
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) was established in June 2001 by a broad group of organisations representing the European accounting profession, preparers, users, and national standard-setters with the following original goals:#
to provide technical expertise to the European Commission concerning the use of IAS within Europe #
to participate in IASB's standard setting process #
to coordinate within the EU the development of views concerning international accounting standards.#
The organisation of its Sustainability reporting pillar;#
The EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board held its first meeting March 31, when two further meetings were scheduled for April 7 and 22.#
EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (TEG) is expected to be in place by mid-April#
The Due Process Procedures were approved on 15 March by the EFRAG General Assembly.#
The finalisation of a first set of exposure drafts; #
A Project Task Force on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (PTF-ESRS) has been working in project mode to elaborate exposure drafts. Since January 2022 the PTF has made publicly available preliminary Working Papers that reflect its initial thinking on the content of standards.#
The PTF-ESRS is currently finalising its proposed exposure drafts and organising the proper hand-over to EFRAG’s newly established Sustainability Reporting Board and Sustainability Reporting TEG during the month of April. The PTF -ESRS will hold its last plenary meeting on 25 April.#
The launch of the public consultation on the exposure drafts.#
A public consultation on the first set of exposure drafts will be launched around the end of April. The consultation deadline will be 31 July. #
EFRAG expects to organise May and June outreach events.#
The analysis of the feedback received will be performed in August and submitted to the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board and EFRAG Sustainability Reporting TEG in September. EFRAG will in parallel organise a cost benefit analysis of the draft standards with similar deadlines.#
The content of some of the people and organizations who are consciously working directly or indirectly on Humanity’s Transition is curated on the site. It is prepared by Alex Goodall in parallel with a sister project Relevant Education: What you need to know to consciously participate in the most consequential 25 years in Humanity’s history. #
SKALMAN proposed earlier this week that we should cover some of the websites/podcasts dealing with sense making. Let us start with one of the podcasts Joe Lightfoot has regarded as central.: Future Thinkers#
Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova were founding the Future Thinkers in 2013 and describe themselves like this: "We have been traveling the world as digital nomads since 2012, exploring different cultures, alternative lifestyles, and out-there ideas." #
Future Thinkers is a series of podcasts and videos about evolving technology, society, and consciousness to create a more sustainable future for all of humanity. In the list of all sessions you will find thinkers like Daniel Schmachtenberger (FTP 36, 42, 43, 46, 57, 58, 59), Jordan (Green)Hall (FTP 47, 48, 62, 63) and John Vervaecke (FTP 98, 99, 110), but also names as Jim Rutt (FTP 105, 133), Tyson Yunkaporta (FTP 132), Daniel Christian Wahl (FTP 131), Nora Bateson (FTP 106, 107, 127, 130), Joe Brewer (FTP 126, 130), Bonitta Roy (FTP 125, Charles Eisenstein (FTP 81, 82), and many more. #
As those thinkers mentioned above also will be guests in other podcasts it should be one task to map their participation in the other parts of the LIMINAL web.#
This month the Swedish cartoon Bamse, in which one of the main characters is SKALMAN, celebrate its 50th years anniversary. I think therefore it's time for SKALMAN to wake up after his long sleep. #
In the meantime I have observed new developments on the sense making scene, the intense discussions on several web sites, blogs, and podcasts. #
The very fascinating illustration of this development is a blog post by Joe Lightfoot: The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets joelightfoot.org#
Lightfoot explains why he had chosen the word LIMINAL like this: "Liminal is to occupy a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold". #
I was informed about this blog post from a conversation on the development of the possible future digital platform for sense making in general, something so many is longing for. #
SKALMAN got an idea today: Why don't you try to cover interesting discussions taking place on the different nodes of the LIMINAL web.#
I will consider that idea, so we at least can have a prototype ready when HOLOCHAIN will be finally released.#
Nu är det snart fyra månader som Skalman varit i djup sömn. Varken sömn- eller matklockan har kunnat väcka honom. Under tiden har ett val hållits i Sverige med ett oönskat utfall. Den röd-gröna majoriteten har bytts mot en mörkblå majoritet som nu förhandlar om att bilda regering.#
När Sveriges riksdag igår återsamlades för att välja talman hade den förra mandatperiodens talman, Andreas Norlén (Moderat) åter nominerats. Han valdes med stöd från samtliga partier. Samma gällde valet av förste vice talman där Kenneth G Forslund (Socialdemokrat) valdes utan några invändningar. När sedan en andra vice talman skulle väljas hade de mörkblå enats om att nominera en representant från det näst största partiet (Sverigedemokraterna). Här var det bara ett parti, bland de totalt sju riksdagspartierna, som nominerade en motkandidat (Miljöpartiet). En av partiets gruppledare, Annika Hirvonen, inledde med att citera flera utländska mediers rapportering från det svenska valet där Sverige nu framställs som att högerextrema partier nu fått inflytande i den svenska parlamentarismen. Hon fann det upprörande att även talmanspresidiet skulle bekräfta den utländska bilden av valutgången. Hon nominerade därför motkandidaten Janine Alm Ericson till andre vice talman. Trots att Sverigedemokraternas kandidat fick tillräckligt antal röster i en andra votering, kom Hirvonens anförande att bli det kvarstående intrycket från dagen. Att det bara finns ett parti i riksdagen som står upp för de värden som sedan länge kännetecknat Sverige; jämställdhet, antirasism, vetenskap och medmänsklighet#
"Jag är en årsrik 80-plussare som efter yrkeslivets inrutade tidsschema nu har givits utrymme för min egenutveckling. Det har innburit lärande som inte ingick när jag utbildades vid Chalmers Tekniska Högskola på 60-talet. Här brukar jag använda Bengt Hubendicks "Männskoekologi" från 1985 som exempel på inspirationskällor jag haft. På senare tid har även Fritjof Capras "The hidden connections" vidgat mina perspektiv. Jason Hickels "Less is more-How degrowth will save the world" har också präglat mitt tänkande om dagens prekära situation för planeten och dess invånare."#
I samband med FN-mötet Stockholm 50+ den här veckan har jag valt att lyssna till en session på tisdag eftermiddag, kl.15-16:45: Co-creating a new economic system that delivers social justice on a healthy planet. Så här ser deras inbjudan ut:#
"System change not climate change: we've seen this slogan on placards all over the world, but what does it actually mean? Join us to hear from two inspiring young women leading the way in alternative economic practice, and discover how using economic systems thinking can help you in your activism.#
Amanda Janoo (WEAll) and Jennifer Hinton (Lund University) will share insights about the Wellbeing Economy and Not-For-Profit Economy models. Then, they'll be in conversation together about how to bring these visions to life.#
You will have the chance to join the conversation with Amanda and Jennifer, before an interactive workshop where we'll apply the Wellbeing Economy lens to the work of the changemakers in the room. How can the narrative of the Wellbeing Economy help you achieve your goals, and help us all live in societies where people and nature thrive together?#
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol on measurement and management of emissions#
The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol provides standards, guidance, tools and training for business and government to measure and manage climate-warming emissions.#
In order to take action to reduce emissions, we need to understand and measure where they’re sourced from in the first place. The three scopes, which I wrote about on May 12, are a way of categorising the different kinds of emissions a company creates in its own operations and in its wider ‘value chain’ (its suppliers and customers).#
“Developing a full [greenhouse gas] emissions inventory – incorporating Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions – enables companies to understand their full value chain emissions and focus their efforts on the greatest reduction opportunities”.#
Scope 1 covers emissions from sources that an organisation owns or controls directly – for example from burning fuel in our fleet of vehicles (if they’re not electrically-powered).#
Scope 2 are emissions that a company causes indirectly when the energy it purchases and uses is produced. For example, for our electric fleet vehicles the emissions from the generation of the electricity they're powered by would fall into this category.#
Scope 3 encompasses emissions that are not produced by the company itself, and not the result of activities from assets owned or controlled by them, but by those that it’s indirectly responsible for, up and down its value chain. An example of this is when we buy, use and dispose of products from suppliers. Scope 3 emissions include all sources not within the scope 1 and 2 boundaries.#
Vid Klimatpolitiska rådets seminarium idag var det flera intressanta frågor som behandlades, t.ex. förslaget om en grön statlig investeringsbank, global standardisering av hållbarhetsredovisbing, men också det privata initiativet GFANZ. #
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) was launched in April 2021 by UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance Mark Carney and the COP26 Presidency, in partnership with the UN-backed Race to Zero campaign launched by UN High-Level Climate Champions Nigel Topping and Gonzalo Muñoz, to unite net-zero financial sector-specific alliances from across the globe into one industry-wide strategic alliance.#
Policies for Sustainable Finance to Fund the Climate Transition#
The report by the Sustainable Finance Lab (Sweden) commissioned by the Swedish Climate Policy Council which will be presented at the seminar tomorrow Tuesday 24 May is available here. #
The report seeks to answer two overarching questions: 1. What role does the financial sector play in achieving society’s climate goals and in financing the climate transition? 2. How can the government of Sweden influence the financial sector so that capital is increasingly directed towards more sustainable activities?#
Based on critical analysis of both public policies for sustainable finance in both Sweden and the EU, and private sector actions, and how the private and public sectors together develop sustainable finance practices the report is put forward recommendations concerning how the Swedish government should act to promote investment in the transition to a climate-friendly society.#
Finanssektorns roll i klimatomställningen Klimatpolitiska rådet inbjuder till ett seminarium den 24 maj om finanssektorns allt större roll i klimatomställningen. Klimatpolitiska rådet har låtit Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL) ta fram en rapport som undersöker vilken roll politiken kan och bör ta för att styra den finansiella sektorn mot lösningar som främjar klimatomställningen. Vid seminariet presenterar professor Kent Eriksson, föreståndare för SFL, rapportens slutsatser och rekommendationer till regeringen. Cecilia Hermansson, Klimatpolitiska rådets vice ordförande, leder en efterföljande paneldiskussion med ledande företrädare för Riksbanken, Finansinspektionen och andra aktörer på de finansiella marknaderna. #
Det fysiska seminariet är fullbokat, men den digitala sändningen kan följas på Klimatpolitiska rådets webbplats i stället.#
ISO ESG and ISO 26000 information session yesterday#
The ISO 26000 SGN arranged yesterday an information session with one of the Co-Chairs of the ISO Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) on ESG, Jorge Cajazeira , and also one of the Co-Secretaries Eduardo São Thiago. #
The information given was declared as a status report for the moment and could be changed any time afterwards. #
As announced earlier the organisation of the SAG is as a partnership between the British ISO member BSI, and the Brazil ISO member ABNT with the ISO member from Canada (SCC), who submitted the proposal to the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) chairing the SAG with Professor Poonam Pori. Both BSI and ABNT offer as Co-Secretaries Mike Henigan, and Eduardo São Thiago. The British Co-Chair is David Jackman, representing BSI.#
The SAG has members from the ISO members represented in ISO TMB and from other ISO member bodies with interest in the topic. In addition there is also a Consultative group with representatives from relevant ISO Technical Committees as well as from the existing ESG ecosystem.#
The SAG has an extensive mandate and a tough deadline, 20 September 2022 when the ISO TMB has its meeting. #
Just the days before yesterday the SAG has had its second meeting where the mandate, the vision, and the value proposition, which the SAG is requested to deliver, was discussed. #
Greenhouse gas emissions from all processes have to be included for the whole life cycle of a product. From cradle to grave, up-streams and down-streams . #
When there is a need to disclose emission data of the Scope 3 types (as TCFD recommends) companies have use of the methodology recommended in ISO 14044:2006 “Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Requirements and guidelines” and ISO 14040:2006 “Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework”#
In addition the standard called “Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard” published by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol can been used for guidance in methodological choices.#
The company Polestar has carried out an analysis of its Polestar 2 (model year 2020) and Volvo XC40 petrol internal combustion engine (ICE) (model year 2020) which is a good example of how a Life Cycle Analysis may look.#
The carbon footprint from materials production (including the Li-ion battery modules) of the ICE is carbon footprint from materials production (including the Li-ion battery modules) of the ICE is roughly 40% less than for Polestar 2. Looking at the category “Materials production” the five main contributors for the XC40 ICE are aluminium 34%, steel and iron 34%, electronics 13%, polymers 11% and fluids and undefined 4% #
For Polestar 2 the main contributors to the carbon footprint of the material production (including Li-ion battery modules) are aluminium 29%, Li-ion battery modules 29%, steel and iron 17%, electronics 10%, and polymers 7%#
Total use phase GHG emissions from the Polestar 2 vary greatly depending on the carbon intensity of the electricity used. The total of GHG emissions, depending on kilometres driven, from Polestar 2(with different electricity mixes in the use phase) are illustrated in the LCA.#
The recording of the TCFD webinar on climate disclosure convergence held Monday 9 May is available here#
"Mycket intressant artikel även för de som kan mycket om jord. Jordbakterierna i rhizosfären fungerar som de gynnsamma bakterierna i vår tarmflora; ökad mångfald av bakterier skyddar växten mot parasiter och gynnar näringsupptag och kolinlagring."#
"What Tolly appears to be doing is strengthening and diversifying the relationships in the rhizosphere – the plant’s external gut. By keeping roots in the soil, raising the number of plant species and adding just the right amount of carbon, he seems to have encouraged bacteria to build their catacombs in his stony ground, improving the soil’s structure and helping his plants to grow." #
George Monbiot lanserar i slutet av maj sin senaste bok: Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet bl a vid ett Guardian Live-arrangemang den 30 maj mellan kl 21:00-22:00 CEST#
It was stressed by TCFD that their work was focused on a framework, while the ISSB and SEC where examples of standards both developed within the TCFD framework. All three are now in a consultation phase until end of July and will after the summer have gone through comments (positive and negative) before next release#
One background information which was repeatedly referred to in the presentations was the GHG emissions scope levels.#
• Scope 2 refers to indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat, or steam.#
• Scope 3 refers to other indirect emissions not covered in Scope 2 that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions. Scope 3 emissions could include: the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity-related activities (e.g., transmission and distribution losses), outsourced activities, and waste disposal#
“Now is the time to ensure that every financial decision takes climate change into account.” – Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance, Governor of the Bank of England, December 2019#
G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors asked the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to review how the financial sector can take account of climate-related issues.#
• could “promote more informed investment, credit, and insurance underwriting decisions”#
• in turn, “would enable stakeholders to understand better the concentrations of carbon-related assets in the financial sector and the financial system’s exposures to climate-related risks.”#
The Task Force’s 31 international members, led by Michael Bloomberg, include providers of capital, insurers, large non-financial companies, accounting and consulting firms, and credit rating agencies. #
To get an overview of the TCFD-activities there is introductory material in a booklet from March 2019 and Workshops in a Box from February 2022. Workshops in a Box is a set of five presentations for use in introductory workshops on the TCFD recommendations to help support adoption and implementation. The first workshop presentation provides an introduction to the TCFD and an overview of the four TCFD recommendations for climate-related financial disclosure. The remaining four workshop presentations provide more details on each of the TCFD recommendations, including example disclosures.#
Today a one-hour webinar on climate disclosure convergence is held in light of recent publications by the US Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) on climate-related disclosure that incorporate the TCFD recommendations, the TCFD will host a one-hour webinar in conjunction with representatives from the SEC and ISSB. #
Nature-related Risk & Opportunity Management and Disclosure Framework#
The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is developing the TNFD framework through an open innovation approach with market participants and with the benefit of the expertise provided by a global network of knowledge partners from science, standards, data, technology, finance, business, policy and regulation. #
In a document and an accompanying online portal an initial beta version (v0.1) of the TNFD framework s presented. It represents the beginning of the TNFD’s consultation and pilot testing with market participants. This feedback and testing approach will inform subsequent releases of beta versions through 2022 and 2023 before the Taskforce launches its final recommendations in late 2023. #
The TNFD framework seeks to provide recommendations and guidance on nature-related risks and opportunities relevant to a wide range of market participants, including investors, analysts, corporate executives and boards, regulators, stock exchanges and accounting firms.#
C. Guidance for corporates and financial institutions to undertake nature-related risk and opportunity assessment and incorporate into their enterprise strategy and risk management processes.#
As it is planned to release a second Beta version (v0.2) already in June 2022, anyone interested in the subject should consult the document and give their feedback on the online portal. #
Mistra, an independent research foundation, has decided to fund two programme proposals within the call for “Biodiversity and the financial system”. Both research programmes intend to stop the loss of and recreate biodiversity through interdisciplinary research, involving partners from industry and the financial sector. #
The two programme proposals to receive funding are the Mistra Biodiversity Finance programme, BIOFIN, with the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University as the main applicant, and Pathways Towards an Efficient Alignment of the Financial System with the Needs of Biodiversity, BIOPATH, with Lund University as the main applicant.#
The proposed Mistra BIOFIN programme aims to increase the financial sector’s ability to contribute to a “nature positive” economy. To do this, the programme will develop methods and indicators to identify business models that protect existing biodiversity, as well as business methods to improve it. Programme Director for Mistra BIOFIN is Garry Peterson, Professor of Environmental Science at the Stockholm Resilience Centre .#
The proposed BIOPATH programme and its partners will map, evaluate and co-develop existing and new approaches in which biodiversity is integrated with financial decision-making. The institutional and political consequences of these approaches will be analysed. BIOPATH focuses on changed land use related to agriculture, silviculture and energy. Programme Director for BIOPATH is Susanne Arvidsson, Associate Professor of Accounting and Corporate Finance at Lund University.#
The submitted programme proposals have been evaluated by an international panel of experts.#
"The link between biodiversity and the financial system is a new research area that is absolutely current. The two programme proposals were highly ranked by the panel, they have different approaches and complement each other extremely well." says Anna Jöborn, Mistra’s CEO.#
När det gäller finansmarknadens roll när det gäller relationen till naturen var den annonserade experten Susanne Arvidsson, docent i redovisning och finans på Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet förhindrad på grund av sjukdom och medverkade enbart genom en förinspelad intervju. I hennes ställe medverkade Fredrik N G Andersson, som framför allt forskat om inlåsningseffekter vid omställning till en mera hållbar ekonomi. Från banksektorn medverkade Fredrik Nilzén, hållbarhetschef på Swedbank. Här finns en inspelning av seminariet.#
Who is leading the ISO/TMBG/SAG_ESG Working Group? #
A few names of the experts involved in the SAG-ESG are known! I have found out that Poonam Puri (CA) has the position "Chair" and Jorge Cajazeira (BR) "Vice Chair". On the ISO web site the first two are said to be TASK GROUP convenors together with David Jackman (GB).#
In recent years there has been a shifting tide in the private sector, a movement away from shareholder focus to a more holistic corporate model that considers a variety of stakeholders.#
In a report published by the Shared Value Initiative: “Hybrid Metrics: Connecting Shared Value to Shareholder Value” a new approach is introduced that combines companies' social and environmental impact with standard measures of financial performance, making the connection between the two explicit.#
The report is available from Shared Value Initiative here. #
Biologisk mångfald - Det nya CO2 för finansmarknaden#
Sveriges Forum för hållbara investeringar (Swesif) inbuder till ett seminarium fredagen den 6 maj kl 11-12.#
Seminariet erbjuder ett initierat samtal där ledande forskare inom ekonomi, ekologi och kulturgeografi benar ut de nödvändiga utmaningarna för det finansiella systemet när det gäller biologisk mångfald.#
Anmäl dig för att säkra din fysiska eller digitala plats!#
Vad har det finansiella systemet för påverkan på arters fortbestånd och de ekosystemtjänster vi människor är beroende av?#
Vilka risker innebär det för näringslivet när naturresurser utarmas?#
Går det att hitta styrmedel som stödjer ett bevarande av biodiversitet inom finansvärlden?#
Hur kan man i så fall ta sig an en så komplex fråga, och, vilka faror finns det med att börja räkna ekonomiskt på värdet av naturen? #
Swesif är observatör i Eurosif som är ett partnerskap mellan europeiska SIF-organisationer. Eurosif skriver rapporter och kommentarer till EU-initiativ inom ESG. Genom Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA) samarbetar man med världens största SIF-organsiationer.#
Identify the relevant ISO standards that will respond and support the achievement of indicators in the various ESG frameworks.#
Identify alignment, gaps, and opportunities for ISO e.g. specific standards that could be developed, and areas where standards could be modified.#
Develop recommendations based on the map and guidance on how to strengthen the linkages between ISO standards and ESG frameworks e.g. provide input to the work on stakeholder engagement.#
ISO 26000 SGN invites to an Information session at Friday 13 May 2022 from 13.00 – 14.30 hours CET. With ISO ESG Vice Chair Jorge Cajazeira (Brazil) and ABNT Secretariat Eduardo São Thiago.#
Task Group 2 is responsible for 'Stakeholder engagement' and #
Articulate the value proposition that ISO brings to the ESG ecosystem#
Identify alignment, gaps, and opportunities for ISO, utilizing the mapping of the current ESG disclosure frameworks, standards, and indicators to ISO standards#
Develop recommendations and guidance on how to strengthen the linkage between ISO standards and ESG disclosure frameworks for ESG reporting#
Develop a stakeholder engagement strategy to provide a mechanism to effectively collaborate with stakeholders in the ESG ecosystem at the technical and strategic policy level. The strategy shall identify clear roles and responsibilities within ISO and in relation to its membership.#
Develop recommendations on how the ISO conformity assessment standards can help solve some of the challenges identified, including a pilot of how to leverage these ISO standards to meet users’ needs in the ESG ecosystem#
Develop an approach to monitor changes in the ESG operating environment and a mechanism to enable those changes to inform the relevant ISO technical committees and the ISO engagement strategy#
Provide advice on mechanisms to effectively coordinate activities in ISO technical committees to enable alignment of standardization deliverables with primary ESG disclosure frameworks and the defined engagement strategy#
Develop recommendations for tools to support ISO committees who may have linkages to ESG considerations#
In recent years, organizations have become more responsive to their stakeholders regarding the positive and negative environmental and social impacts of their operations while demonstrating sound governance practices. Organizations disclose these impacts and activities through environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure frameworks and standards.#
However, several challenges remain, as there is a lack of harmonization and consensus in proposed ESG frameworks, and lack of guidance on the best ways to transform existing processes and operations to meet the indicators of various ESG frameworks. Additionally, there is lack of trust and stakeholder confidence in the ranking's results from the various frameworks and indices.#
ISO's newly published SAG proposal provides details on opportunities for ISO to play a bigger role to ensure that the ESG frameworks continue to have a far-reaching and positive impact. The document also details related work of ISO technical committees (TC) that develop standards to address ESG issues, including ISO/TC 207 Environmental management, ISO/TC 322, Sustainable finance, ISO/TC 309, Governance of organizations, and potentially the new TC on Social Responsibility.#
Environmental reporting and risk management a business norm#
The former Carbon Disclosure Project, which is now CPD - an international non-profit organisation aims to make environmental reporting and risk management a business norm, driving disclosure, insight, and action towards a sustainable economy.#
Starting in November 2021 CDP launched an event series, Frank dialogues, that will facilitate bold discussions and debates amongst thought leaders who have shaped environmental disclosure, taking stock of progress made, the pathway we’re on and what is to come. #
On Tuesday 2 November 2021 CDP's Frank Dialogue kicked off at COP 26, in Glasgow and online. This first episode focused on the current watershed moment in corporate sustainability and transparency, reflecting on the vision set out 30 years ago. Four speakers looked back at the spirit of Rio in 1992, commenting on the journey since then as well as the direction of travel. One of those four was Teresa Fogelberg, Board Member at Impact Economy Foundation and former GRI Deputy Chief Executive. #
Episode 2: Spotlight on the social dimension of ESG, took place on Monday 14 March 2022. Episode 2 assessed the current state of corporate reporting on social and human rights topics and provided recommendations on the main challenges. Four speakers looked at the evolution of policy and corporate action over the past two decades , assessing the status of National Action Plans and related regulations, as well as corporate reporting practices and impact management. #
Dante Pesce, Executive Director Vincular Centre, Catholic University of Valparasío-Chile#
���The Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market#
EFRAG is a private association established in 2001 with the encouragement of the European Commission to serve the public interest. EFRAG extended its mission in 2022 following the new role assigned to EFRAG in the proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) of 21 April 2021, providing Technical Advice to the European Commission in the form of fully prepared draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and/or draft amendments to these Standards. Its Member Organisations are European stakeholders and National Organisations and Civil Society Organisations. EFRAG’s activities are organised in two pillars: A Financial Reporting Pillar: influencing the development of IFRS Standards from a European perspective and how they contribute to the efficiency of capital markets and providing endorsement advice on (amendments to) IFRS Standards to the European Commission. Secondly, a Sustainability Reporting Pillar: developing draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards, and related amendments for the European Commission. #
In preparation for the EU public consultation activity later this spring it may be important to identify our Swedish contact persons in both EFRAG and especially in the Sustainability reporting pillar. #
In February 2022 EFRAG in a press release welcomed the organisation EUROSIF to its sustainability reporting membership. Eurosif is the leading pan-European sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) membership organisation. Its mission is to promote sustainability through its mission is to promote sustainability through partnership of Europe-based national Sustainable Investment Fora (SIFs) with the direct support of their network which spans over 400 Europe-based organisations drawn from the sustainable investment industry value chain.#
In Eurosif the Swedish SWESIF is acting as Observer. SWESIF has about 125 members and is a forum for sustainable investments . #
How the work on a European sustainability reporting standard is proceeding#
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) was established in June 2001 by a broad group of organisations representing the European accounting profession, preparers, users, and national standard-setters with the following original goals:#
to provide technical expertise to the European Commission concerning the use of IAS within Europe #
to participate in IASB's standard setting process #
to coordinate within the EU the development of views concerning international accounting standards.#
The organisation of its Sustainability reporting pillar;#
The EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board held its first meeting March 31, when two further meetings were scheduled for April 7 and 22.#
EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group (TEG) is expected to be in place by mid-April#
The Due Process Procedures were approved on 15 March by the EFRAG General Assembly.#
The finalisation of a first set of exposure drafts; #
A Project Task Force on European Sustainability Reporting Standards (PTF-ESRS) has been working in project mode to elaborate exposure drafts. Since January 2022 the PTF has made publicly available preliminary Working Papers that reflect its initial thinking on the content of standards.#
The PTF-ESRS is currently finalising its proposed exposure drafts and organising the proper hand-over to EFRAG’s newly established Sustainability Reporting Board and Sustainability Reporting TEG during the month of April. The PTF -ESRS will hold its last plenary meeting on 25 April.#
The launch of the public consultation on the exposure drafts.#
A public consultation on the first set of exposure drafts will be launched around the end of April. The consultation deadline will be 31 July. #
EFRAG expects to organise May and June outreach events.#
The analysis of the feedback received will be performed in August and submitted to the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board and EFRAG Sustainability Reporting TEG in September. EFRAG will in parallel organise a cost benefit analysis of the draft standards with similar deadlines.#
Last update: Saturday February 4, 2023; 11:25 AM EST.